Add Power to the High-quality Development of the Industry | the Standing Committee of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Congress Visited Guangaluminum for Investigation and Investigation

from:Network date:2022-06-11 reading:1978

On the afternoon of June 9th, under the leadership of Zhang Xiaoqin, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Congress and deputy secretary of the party group, the leaders of the research group of the Standing Committee of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Congress visited guangaluminum to investigate the development of aluminum industry production capacity. Yang Yueping, the second-level inspector of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, the first-level researcher of the financial and economic Commission Office of the Provincial People's Congress, Zhang Kong, and other leaders, as well as Dong Xiaolei, the executive director of Guangzhou aluminum profile, and other company leaders accompanied the inspection.

International Field Study

in the aluminum mine monitoring area of the exhibition hall, Mr. Dong warmly welcomed the arrival of the research team, and introduced in detail the operation of Guizhou mine, the development of Guangzhou aluminum industry chain, and the research and development innovation of aluminum industry. When talking about the development of guangaluminum, general manager Dong said that with the support of government policies at all levels, we will promote the upgrading of aluminum industry chain, promote the improvement of production capacity and the high-quality development of the industry; Adhere to the road of sustainable development, adhere to green production, implement the target task of "double carbon" and promote the green circular development of aluminum industry.

The research team understands the situation of Guizhou mines.

The research team understands the history of the company.

International Field Study

research on high quality development of aluminum industry

zhang Xiaoqin, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region People's Congress, made a speech

yang Yueping, the second-level inspector of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, exchanged experiences

dong Xiaolei, executive director of guangaluminum aluminum profile, spoke

after visiting the exhibition hall and attending the research meeting, the research team fully affirmed the current development situation and achievements of guangaluminum. Zhang Xiaoqin, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the autonomous region, believes that the aluminum industry is currently in a stage of high quality and high level of development. The current primary task is to enhance the transformation and application of scientific research capabilities and scientific research achievements, the power of science and technology must be taken as the source power of high-quality and high-level development; If we want to vigorously develop recycled aluminum and clean energy, we need to firmly move towards the road of green development; accelerate the export and import mode with Chinese characteristics, make better use of international and domestic markets and two kinds of resources, create a better environment for the development of the industry and enter a new height.