Red Coffee in Each Road Network Gathers First to Discuss the Development Trend of Communication Doors and Windows.

from:Network date:2022-06-14 reading:1420

No. 6.11, red coffee in each road network gathered at the international marketing center of Xianyue system doors and windows waya to discuss the future development trend of communication doors and windows.

The first Yue system doors and windows Waya international marketing center changes the doors and windows in seconds. The network of doors and windows is hot forging card, and the red coffee of each road network is here to display the trend products of doors and windows.

Fu Hai, chairman of Paige hardware system, and Li Jianping, who has 20 years of experience in independent home decoration and engineering doors and windows, shared the future development trend of hardware system and engineering doors and windows with friends in the live studio.

The five-person talk on the road of brand support for business kicked off, and the crowd gathered at the scene. Huang Shoshe, chairman of the doors and windows of the first Yue system, Xu Hongxi, chairman of the doors and windows of the Yiqun, Xiao Min, chairman of the doors and windows of the AI nationality, yao Jianxin, general manager of mendao cloud software and Zhao Yiming, a well-known marketing planner in the door and window industry, joined the battle of five industries mogul, discussing the road of brand support and exploring the development trend of doors and windows.

After the one-day live broadcast, numerous guests said that they had heard many times that others praised the exhibition hall of Xianyue for a great sense of design. They used the staggered setting of space to make the thin sense of experience thicker and warmer. In the limited space scale, truly immersive experience. To this end, Chief Zhou, the marketing director of Xianyue, led the guests to visit the exhibition hall and explained the product concept.

In the central scene experience room of the corridor, the brand and products are explained from the dimension of sound and electricity, and the brand logic of the first Vietnam is closely linked to the point, which expresses the profound product power.

The guests all said that it was worthwhile to come here, and they also expected that the next visit to Xianyue would bring more surprises.