On the National Low Carbon Day, the Royal Doors and Windows "Green Low Carbon Development Salon for Chinese Doors and Windows" Was Successfully Held.

from:Network date:2022-06-16 reading:1454

On June 15, 2022, National Low Carbon Day, jointly sponsored by Royal doors and windows and Youju Research Institute "Low carbon assembly" green low carbon development salon for Chinese doors and windows successfully held. Under the guidance of China building metal structure Association, resource and environment research branch of China Standardization Research Institute, green and low carbon Professional Committee of China Standardization Association, and the witness of mainstream media, discuss the road of green and low-carbon development of doors and windows in China.

Royal doors and windows blow low carbon Assembly"

at the scene, Wang Hongtao, secretary general of National Technical Committee for Standardization of building curtain wall doors and windows, Bao Wei, president of Foshan Green Innovation Research Institute of China Institute of Standardization, Liu Jie, vice president of Guangdong Institute of Standardization, Zhou Lujun, deputy secretary general of green and low carbon Professional Committee of China Institute of Standardization, zhang Yongzhi, vice president of Youju and president of Youju Research Institute, Zhu mengsi, deputy general manager of huangpai doors and windows, and the senior management of huangpai doors and windows conducted in-depth exchanges.

Green and low-carbon development is the trend of the international trend and the general trend. According to the report on the current situation of the global construction industry in 2021 of the global construction Alliance, the construction industry accounted for 37% of the global energy carbon emissions in 2020, of which the residential carbon emissions accounted for 17%. The data shows that the energy consumption of buildings accounts for about 30% of the energy consumption of the whole society. The energy lost through doors and windows accounts for about 50% of the building energy consumption. It can be seen that the key to building energy conservation lies in doors and windows.

At the scene, Zhu mengsi said in the sharing with the theme of "keeping thousands of lights and protecting the Earth's ecology" that as an important participant in the door and window industry, the royal doors and windows put solving the problem of environmental energy consumption into the blood instinct of the enterprise. Through the new upgrade of research and development, production, products, installation, transportation and other aspects, they have walked out of their own green and low-carbon road. At the same time, the royal doors and windows are also very willing to work with all sectors of society to promote the green upgrade of the door and window industry with practical actions and help achieve the goal of "double carbon.

Zhu mengsi, deputy general manager of dispatch doors and windows

wang Hongtao shared the development trend of system doors and windows under the double carbon target. He believes that in the future, system doors and windows will develop towards five goals: carbon reduction, application of high-performance doors and windows, standardization, intelligent manufacturing of intelligent doors and windows, certification evaluation and insurance system.

Wang Hongtao, secretary general of National Technical Committee for Standardization of curtain wall doors and windows

bao Wei shared the key work of promoting carbon neutralization of carbon peak, the progress of international standards, the National Standardization Technology Committee related to "double carbon" and the national standard of carbon emission management.

Bao Wei, dean of Foshan Green Innovation Research Institute of China Institute of Standardization

liu Jie said in the theme sharing of "low-carbon standards lead the green development of door and window industry" that standards are the basic tools for green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading. At the scene, focusing on the production management, new technology, emission and recycling of door and window products, he put forward feasible solutions for the green and low-carbon transformation of door and window industry.

Liu Jie, vice president of Guangdong Institute of Standardization

During the salon session, mogul people gathered at the scene, with sparks of thought colliding and brilliant. Under the background of double carbon, with the changes of stock market and incremental market, the demand for energy conservation increases, and the door and window industry faces development opportunities. Facing the opportunity, on the one hand, how can enterprises and institutions jointly promote the formulation and implementation of the "double carbon" standard in China's system door and window industry?

Wang Hongtao believes that at present, the standards for energy conservation and emission reduction in the door and window industry are not perfect. Door and window enterprises can incorporate energy conservation and emission reduction into the innovation indicators in the enterprise standards, including carbon footprint, utilization of renewable energy, etc.

Wang Hongtao, secretary general of National Technical Committee for Standardization of curtain wall doors and windows

zhu mengsi said that at present, the products in the whole industry are uneven and the performance standards are not uniform. Royal doors and windows can give reasonable Digital dimensions and standard suggestions to the organization through their own laboratory, product experience and industry experience. In addition, in order to enable enterprises to achieve "carbon neutral" production scientifically, there is bound to be a reasonable development path. Royal doors and windows can give suggestions on the implementation path of rules based on their own development experience. In terms of implementation, the Royal Doors and windows are committed to becoming the industry benchmark. For the industry rules, they will take the lead in demonstration and strictly implement the requirements higher than the standard.

Zhu mengsi, deputy general manager of Royal doors and windows

on the other hand, under the background of double carbon, how can door and window enterprises create enterprise advantages and at the same time, how can they innovate in technology so as to help "double carbon"? The guests at the scene gave wonderful suggestions.

Qiu Wensheng, general manager of huangpai door and window marketing

zhou Xuefeng, director of huangpai door and window product research and development center

zhang Yongzhi believes that, on the one hand, door and window enterprises need to realize technological innovation, leading in product performance such as heat preservation, heat insulation, carbon reduction and so on, and maintaining advantages in market competition. On the other hand, considering reasonable pricing, more consumers can use energy-saving and consumption-reducing products. At the same time, with the improvement of consumer level, products are gradually upgraded iteratively.

Zhang Yongzhi, vice president of Youju and president of Youju Research Institute

zhou Lujun said that we can start from four dimensions to build enterprise advantages under the background of double carbon. At the resource attribute level, pay attention to the green and low carbon of materials. At the Energy attribute level, focus on green production and use of clean and renewable energy in the production stage. At the level of environmental attributes, pay attention to the impact of product abandonment on the environment. At the level of product attributes, pay attention to the safety, comfort and quality of products. From the research and development stage of the product, it is necessary to fully consider to achieve the green and low carbon of the product.

Zhou Lujun, deputy secretary general of green and low carbon Professional Committee of China Standardization Association

liu Jie believes that standards are the basis of quality and quality is the basis of brand. Doors and windows enterprises should have market and technical acumen. Technical agility is the core node of brand building. He suggested that enterprises could work hard and explore in the direction of "core technology, patent technology, standardization of patented technology, globalization of standard technology and labeling of global technology.

Liu Jie, vice president of the Institute of Standardization

After the salon, on-site guests and media friends visited the Royal Doors and windows green smart factory. According to the introduction, the Royal door and window intelligent factory realizes the deep integration of informatization and industrialization. Through lean production and intelligent production, energy consumption and material waste are greatly reduced, and energy conservation is more efficient. On the scene, the guests spoke highly of the intelligent management and green production of the doors and windows of the Royal School. Liu Jie said that the royal garden factory of doors and windows is the embodiment of standardized management of the environment.

In fact, for a long time, the Royal Doors and windows have made a series of explorations in various links such as raw materials, research and development, production and installation on the road of green and low carbon development. I hope to protect the Earth's ecology through practical actions.

At the product level, royal doors and windows form a product matrix and a functional matrix, allowing doors and windows products to have good safety performance, sound insulation performance, sealing performance, thermal insulation performance, it enables consumers to save energy and reduce consumption in the process of using royal doors and windows. At the same time, huangpai doors and windows invested plus-sized in research and development, innovative structural design; Launched the "five-star installation standard" to ensure efficient, professional and in-place installation of doors and windows; Established the "Green and Low Carbon Research Institute", dedicated to technological innovation, provide consumers with more energy-saving products.

The door and window industry has a long way to go to practice green and low carbon. In the future, the Royal Doors and windows will continuously upgrade technological iteration products, unite all sectors of society, build a standardized system of energy-saving buildings and low-energy doors and windows, and promote a green and low-carbon lifestyle.