Decathlon Dream Building the Future | Fuxuan Whole House Doors and Windows 2022 New Business Fast Profit Special Training Camp Was a Complete Success

from:Network date:2022-06-17 reading:1609

June 16 day, duration 3 tian's fuxuan doors and windows 2022 the new business quick profit special training camp ended successfully! New businessmen have developed decathlon and achieved excellent results in customs clearance assessment. They have jointly shaped and improved terminal operation ability and professional service thinking in the growth of groups. Rookie Blue, fight the sky and win the future together!

Transformation from 0 to 1

learn from the sea and know from the beginning. Diligence will naturally drive the road. ."A group of new business elites in fuxuan's doors and windows 3 day's training camp, in depth learning content modules such as brand culture, product system, Operation knowledge, sales skills and software design, through group competition and actual combat customs clearance assessment0 to1 with the progress and transformation, we will apply what we have learned in store operation in the future and join hands with the headquarters to create a better future.

Fuxuan's new business elites strengthen themselves in learning, grow together in communication, and share their feelings with each other. This is also the enabling environment that fuxuan doors and windows have always created for the majority of distributors, continuously deepen the essential root system ability of the industry and promote the healthy growth of store operation. Zhang Sanjin, the operation gold tutor, analyzed in depth from the opening activities to the Daily recruitment and team building of the store, imparting a lot of practical experience to solve the big and small problems encountered in the daily operation of the terminal store for dealers.

Never forget the original heart and go forward bravely

one point of hard work, one point of harvest! Through actual customs clearance assessment, each team can give full play to team strength, communicate and cooperate, work together, boldly challenge themselves, demonstrate learning achievements, and successfully complete customs clearance assessment, be proud of their spirit and courage. In the future, they will meet greater challenges and competitions, do not forget their original intentions, strengthen their confidence and forge ahead bravely.

Full learning and happy time of reunion always pass quickly. Thanks to our dealers and family members for their earnest learning and enthusiastic cooperation, thanks to our mentors for their careful guidance, and look forward to the next gathering. The students said goodbye and were deeply touched. They wrote down a lot of feelings and summaries. Let's treasure this wonderful memory together.

The heart has ravines and mountains can be dated

chairman Li Changan delivered a speech at the closing ceremony,"There are ravines in the heart and mountains can be dated" the new merchant is the fresh blood of fuxuan doors and windows, and it is also our future. Fuxuan whole house doors and windows 20 year coming, baijiang Chenggang has built a professional platform for learning, entrepreneurship and value realization, which not only improves the comprehensive ability of distributors, but also links enterprises and distributors more closely to grow and succeed together.

Weng Zhenhui, general manager of marketing center, made a summary for this special training camp. The shortcut to success was standing on the shoulders of giants. Fuxuan's doors and windows provided such a reliable and professional platform, it is also lucky to choose distributors of fuxuan brand. The three-day study in the training camp is only the beginning. There are still many things to learn in the store operation. Keep the enthusiasm of learning, follow the steps of the headquarters, and create more value.

On the one hand, fuxuan's new door and window business fast profit special training camp provides opportunities for exclusive stores to communicate and learn with each other through training, creating the possibility of breaking the circle and breaking through the encirclement; On the other hand, help the specialty store to realize the goal of clear thinking, excellent skills and higher service based on the actual customer transaction path. In the future, let's work together to break through our thinking and create a new chapter in doors and windows.