Warmly Welcome the Leaders of China Resources Land (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. to Visit the Doors and Windows of the Crown Industry

from:Network date:2022-06-18 reading:1524

On June 16, 2022, leaders of China Resources Land (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. visited Guanye door and window factory for inspection and exchange, and guided the work.

Ingenuity · Respect the future

mr. jrke, general manager of Guanye doors and windows, warmly received and accompanied the inspection team to visit. Mr. Jin introduced the development history of Guanye brand in detail, and took his partners to visit the production line, product quality, inspection center, product Exhibition Hall.

As well as a detailed understanding of the details and progress of the processing of system doors and windows in the first and second phases of China Resources city runxi. Let partners have a deeper understanding of our advantages and product advantages.

Runxi Phase II, China Resources city, Shenzhen

during this visit, China Resources Land (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. has a deeper understanding of the overall situation of our company and witnessed the current cutting-edge exhibition hall design and the manufacturing process of high-quality door and window products, I also highly praised our production technology and quality control. Finally, the leaders of China Resources Land (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. put forward valuable opinions on this investigation, pointing out the direction for the action of deepening the industry-leading brands of Guanye doors and windows and strengthening confidence! So far, this visit has ended successfully!