Medal Doors and Windows | Awarded Tax Credit A- Level Taxpayer in 2021

from:Network date:2022-06-21 reading:1503

On June 17, 2022, Medal Yu doors and windows were assessed as "a-class taxpayers of tax credit in 2021" by Foshan taxation bureau of the State Administration of Taxation ", tax credit rating is the credit rating assessed by tax authorities according to the taxpayer's performance of tax obligations, among which A- level taxpayer has the highest tax credit rating.

Medal Yu doors and windows won the title of tax credit grade a taxpayer assessed by the State Administration of Taxation, it is a high recognition of the tax authorities for the honest operation of Medal doors and windows, paying taxes according to law, and actively fulfilling social responsibilities. It is also a high recognition of the company's tax management work. At the same time, it has further improved the social image, reputation and good corporate image of Medal doors and windows.

In the future, Medal doors and windows will continue

adhere to the concept of "paying taxes according to law and paying taxes in good faith"

standardize operations and actively assume social responsibilities

make due contributions to the country's economic development!