Bonvys Doors and Windows plus-Sized Distributor Training

from:Network date:2022-06-24 reading:1349

At the same time that bonvis doors and windows continue to attract plus-sized investment, in order to let the dealers know more about the new bonvis doors and windows. The market operation department of the company actively conducted dealer training in batches.

General Jiang of bonvys doors and windows operation department said: bonvys doors and windows should not only recruit good merchants, but also help every dealer's family in all directions. Quickly understand the features and selling points of the latest bonvys products. Share bonvys excellent store operation experience with distributors. In this way, store performance can be quickly improved.

Since 2022, bonvys doors and windows have been developing plus-sized products, innovating store business models, promoting brands through multiple channels, and fully empowering distributors to help every distribution store flourish. We warmly welcome more friends who are interested in starting a business in the field of doors and windows to join hands with us to create a more brilliant tomorrow!