Full Fire! Its Doors and Windows Are Higher than the Art Project-the Minimalist Door Series Is Put into Operation!

from:Network date:2022-06-24 reading:1649

6 month22 on the Japanese day, the doors and windows of Qibang held a higher-definition project than the art.- the start-up ceremony of the minimalist door series. Mr. Huang Dongjian, chairman of Qibang doors and windows, Mr. Zhong Chengsheng, deputy general manager, ms. Lin Haiping, Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Lv Hua, director of R & D department, mr. Duan Dasheng, project manager, is higher than that of Dangan art., special guest Xiao-Wu Chen, marketing center team and production center management team participated in this comparison inter-art high-definition project commencement ceremony.

Commissioning Ceremony

at 09:30 A.M., the host Lai Shifen opened the launching ceremony of the minimalist door series, an art project with inspiring and high morale. At this joyous moment, in the witness, fireworks display and applause of all the members of the state, Huang Dong, president Zhong, lin general Manager, General LV, mr. Duan and Mr. Chen cut the ribbon for our commencement ceremony. With a sound of "great luck in starting work", the same transportation scissors, the ribbon fluttering in the wind symbolizes the comparison inter-art high-definition project the smooth start of production and construction also indicates that its doors and windows are about to open a new chapter of vigorous development.

In a warm applause, Mr. Huang Dongjian, chairman of Qibang doors and windows, delivered a speech on the stage. First of all, he expressed warm congratulations on the official launch of the minimalist door series, an art high-definition project, and introduced the situation of new products, and encouraged all the staff to do their best to do products and services.

At the meeting, he talked about:2022 the year is a year when the doors and windows of the state have achieved counter-trend growth, and it is also a key step to promote the strategic layout of the state. Take the market as the foothold, make efforts accurately, maintain innovation ability, independently develop new products, comprehensively meet the needs of users all over the country, and let the safe doors and windows of villas enter thousands of households. I hope we will continue to work hard and strive to reach a new level and create new glory!

Mr. Zhong Chengsheng, deputy general manager of Qibang doors and windows, said: Today is the day when the project of Qibang doors and windows is higher than that of inter-state art. This will be a new milestone for its state, and it will also be one of the important measures for its state to further move towards the era of whole house customization and break the situation deep plough. Its bang Ping is a big dream-making platform, where each of us can realize our dreams. We have a long way to go in the future. We hope that all the members of the state will continue to work hard, carry forward the fine style of not afraid of hardship and fatigue, and build high quality doors and windows to bring safe, comfortable and healthy life to users all over the country.

Duan Dasheng, project manager of Bijian art, said: the doors and windows of Qibang are an open platform. Thanks to Qibang for giving us the opportunity to realize our self-worth and dreams. I believe that under the leadership of Huang Dong, all the members of his state will surely achieve the strategic goal of minimalist door project and jointly promote a new round of development of his state door and window industry.

In order to reward the hard-working family members, the company has prepared fresh oranges and bananas for everyone to share the moment of joy. Orange and banana, homophonic means "deal", wish its doors and windows in the future, with high-quality products and services to win the trust and support of more users, to achieve a new breakthrough in sales.

In the future, its citizens will continue to fight side by side and unite sincerely. In this big wave of sand washing and fierce market competition, they will proceed towards the common goal with firm faith!