Gathering Power · Create a Win-Win Situation | the Mid-Year Symposium of Senpu's Core Distributors Was Successfully Held in 2022!

from:Network date:2022-06-27 reading:1711

" gather power · create a win-win situation"

june 22-23

senpu core distributor Mid-Year Symposium ended successfully

Mr. Wang Puyu, chairman of senpu doors and windows, gathered together with the company's management, the core distributor of senpu doors and windows, and the industry mogul to participate in the senpu system doors and windows event, gathering power and creating a win-win situation. While pointing out the future strategic direction of senpu doors and windows, Mr. Wang Puyu guided dealers to set new goals in the second half year, grasp policy opportunities, win development opportunities, expand market share and forge ahead, move forward.

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Insight Industry

explore brand potential energy

in the mid-year Symposium of senpu's core distributors in 2022, "gathering power and creating win-win situation", teacher Zhu Rongbao, the founder of strategic partner integration consulting, put forward his insights on the current situation of doors and windows industry. Teacher Zhu Rongbao said that for the door and window industry, the current market is developing dynamically. Enterprises should actively promote brand integration and adjustment according to market changes, strengthen brand competitive advantages in core areas, and become better and stronger brands.

Teacher Zhu Rongbao, founder of one Consulting

Four-Force Drive

consolidate brand building

chairman Wang Puyu said in a speech that senpu would accelerate the "four-force drive of the brand" and consolidate senpu's brand depth around "brand power, product power, productivity and service power, so as to further enhance the company's core competitiveness and provide strong support for market operation. At the same time, innovate brand marketing communication links, accurately grasp marketing opportunities, enhance the influence of enterprises and brands, and empower brands to develop steadily and comprehensively.

Mr. Wang Puyu, chairman of senpu doors and windows

Upgrade layout

boost enterprise development

in order to keep up with the trend of the door and window industry and help the high quality development of senpu doors and windows, Lin Geng Shen, director of senpu doors and windows, Zeng Bin, executive vice president, and Liu general, director of marketing, from products, upgrade the strategic layout in three aspects of production and marketing to further strengthen the competitive advantage. At the same time, senpu doors and windows will carry out ecological strategic layout around the three directions of "product promotion + production planning + marketing empowerment" in the future to help enterprises develop.

Director Lin Geng Shen

executive Vice President Zeng Bin

general Liu, marketing director

Innovation Cooperation

empower brand development

zhejiang senpu curtain wall doors and windows Technology Co., Ltd. And Guangzhou one Consulting Co., Ltd., Hangzhou group Nuclear Information Technology Co., Ltd. (kuleke), Nanjing wankuan Culture Media Co., Ltd., announced to become strategic partners, and held the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation agreement. In the future, senpu doors and windows will further cooperate in depth with various companies around the senpu doors and windows brand, and devote themselves to building the doors and windows brand trusted by customers to help distributors grow and develop rapidly.

Wantonly swing

curtain opening and wide view of life

2022 "gather power · create a win-win situation" senpu golf experience kicked off at Qiaofu Yipin golf mansion. Mr. Wang Puyu, chairman of senpu doors and windows, took part in the competition with the management and core distributors of senpu. Everyone waved freely on the green-shade course to interpret the essence of quality life of golf with strength. This time senpu doors and windows took golf as an opportunity to explore the beauty of life with dealers and feel the wide view of life.

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Agglomeration empowerment

create a win-win future

senpu doors and windows management and core distributors jointly discussed and exchanged hot spots in the industry and actively expressed their respective views. During this period, the manager of the flagship store introduced the operation of the store. The distributor visited the senpu flagship store to observe the design and layout of the store and feel the corporate culture, working environment and working atmosphere. At the same time, dealers and store managers of flagship stores have actively discussed and communicated on expanding brand market and business.

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Gather power to create a win-win situation. Senpu doors and windows ended successfully in 2022 the Mid-Year Symposium of senpu's core distributors. As far as senpu is concerned, this is the beginning of a new preface. Let's work together to create a new chapter in senpu and a new market for win-win doors and windows.