Revere Tiandao · Guardian Habitat 2022 Roland Sini System Doors and Windows 2.0 Press Conference

from:Network date:2022-07-07 reading:1588

On July 6, the 2022 Roland Sini system doors and windows 2.0 conference of "reverence for Heaven and protect human settlements" was successfully held. During the live broadcast, multi-platform synchronous online live broadcast has attracted wide attention.

At the press conference, Roland Sini upgraded the energy-saving demand of consumers under the comprehensive influence of the current natural environment at home and abroad, the implementation of the new policy by the state, the specifications of the door and window industry, and the current market consumption situation, he shared with the audience the strategic concept of Roland Sini's breakthrough in innovation and the product ecosystem matrix system of iterative upgrading, and officially opened the era of system doors and windows 2.0, it brings a new solution of system doors and windows 2.0 to human life in the double carbon era, and jointly welcomes a new era of energy-saving and constant temperature human life.

Insight into users' deep requirements

focus on energy saving upgrade of doors and windows

Insight into user needs

the changes brought about by a sudden new Crown epidemic to human life are obvious. At the same time, people feel more deeply about extreme climate. Energy saving, low carbon and environmental protection are gradually becoming the new direction of choice for human living.

The global climate problem is severe, and every country and region and all mankind should take positive actions. China proposes to strive to achieve carbon peak in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060.

As the key link of building energy conservation, energy-saving doors and windows also enter people's vision. Doors and windows are the top priority of building energy conservation. The goal of "double carbon strategy" is decomposed into the construction industry, and the task of doors and windows is even more arduous. Tian Yu, general manager of Roland Sini, said, "energy-saving doors and windows will become the most important and urgent demand for our people."

"Reverence to heaven and guard human settlements" is not only the door and window of Roland Sini, but also the underlying logic of cognition and positioning that all building materials brands should do well. In the era of system doors and windows 2.0, Roland Sini will continue to focus on energy conservation, continuously optimize technology, and constantly strive towards the direction of a better life that people pursue, so that more consumers can use energy-saving and constant temperature doors and windows, contribute to the National double carbon strategy.

Respond positively to the national call

energy-saving low-carbon life for doors and windows

Respond to the national call

In the era of double carbon strategy, everyone has his own ideas on energy saving, low carbon and green life. In the view of Xiong Zhibin, chairman of Roland Sini, the essence of doors and windows is "external energy saving, internal constant temperature", and constant temperature is the key of double carbon strategy.

Facing the heavy responsibility of "carbon neutralization strategy of carbon peak" and the new generation of consumption demand for energy saving and low carbon, the existing system doors and windows 1.0 focus on sound insulation, heat insulation, airtight, watertight, performance such as wind pressure resistance can no longer meet the deepening consumer demand. More energy-saving, more comprehensive and more systematic system doors and windows 2.0 will surely become the trend of upgrading the customized solutions of doors and windows in the future.

The press conference always focuses on "reverence the heaven and guard human settlements" to realize the spanning upgrade of system doors and windows 1.0 from local to whole, from function to system doors and windows 2.0, from adjusting measures to local conditions, customizing on demand, moderate use of materials and other dimensions to achieve a balance between energy conservation, environmental protection and living comfort with minimum energy consumption, and more from regional systems, whole house systems, the four dimensions of product system and service system redefine system doors and windows 2.0, thus to meet consumers' higher requirements for energy-saving doors and windows and low-carbon living life.

System doors and windows 2.0 era

product first technology first

Product first, technology first

in the era of system doors and windows 2.0, how can we provide more consumers with energy-saving and constant temperature doors and windows solutions? Under the overall performance requirements of energy saving and constant temperature, how to meet the requirements of two dimensions of minimalist aesthetics and closed system? Roland Sini answered this at the press conference.

At the press conference, Jiang Nan, the R & D director of Roland Sini, took Xinghai K5 and velar R7 Series as examples to show Roland Sini with perfect product solutions to meet the needs of different regions, local conditions and global customization.

Roland Sini system doors and windows 2.0 Conference is a milestone of great reference value for Roland Sini on the way to create a low-carbon and green living life. It drives development with innovation and technology, and promotes high-quality production with energy-saving demand, leading the door and window industry to a new height of sustainable development. In the future, Roland Sini will continue to focus on technology research and development, continuously enhance brand influence and brand competitiveness, and enable consumers to enjoy a more high quality green and low-carbon life.

At the China Construction Expo (Guangzhou) from July 8 to 11, the star Sea K5, velar R7 and a variety of new products unveiled at this press conference will be newly unveiled. Interested friends are welcome to Roland Sydney. Zone C 16.2-18 visit the exhibition hall.