The Award Ceremony for Outstanding Employees of Huining Doors and Windows Was Successfully Held in the Second Quarter.

from:Network date:2022-07-12 reading:1439

On July 11, facing the the first ray of dawn, all the staff of Huining doors and windows concentrated on the square with full spirit and attended the Monday morning meeting and the second quarter excellent staff commendation meeting.

If you give, you will gain something. This morning meeting commended outstanding employees with outstanding performance and outstanding performance and excellent management in the second quarter of 2022. At the meeting, the host briefly introduced their advanced deeds in their work and the reasons for winning the prize, I hope that everyone will carry forward the power of example, continue to make better achievements in the follow-up work, and create greater personal value;

chairman of Huining doors and windows hu Shoufeng mr. Wang awarded Certificate of Honor Books and bonuses to award-winning outstanding employees and excellent management;

mr. Hu Shoufeng, chairman of the board, took a group photo with excellent employees of Huining doors and windows.

Outstanding employee representative of MC department-Guo Guangxi shared the acceptance speech

outstanding staff representative of marketing Center-Li Rongjin shared the acceptance speech

outstanding Management Investment Director-Deng Rongzhi shared the acceptance speech

every outstanding employee is the epitome of Huining's family's active efforts and efforts. Their positive, dedicated and dedicated spirit inspires every Huining person. We regard work as our mission and excellence as our pursuit. Even the most common jobs, we can show our value with the highest standards. Huining people, come on!

After the award ceremony, production department manager yongjiang Wang congratulations to the excellent employees who won the prize and gave lectures on the work arrangement this week;

director of Operations huang Miao take the stage to mobilize the company's goal sprint in the second half of the year, and encourage the morale of all employees in the passionate words. I believe that under the leadership of our excellent management team, we will surely achieve the goal of this year!


huining doors and windows are the executive chairman unit and legal representative of Guangdong doors and windows Association; it is a modern enterprise focusing on research and development, production, sales and management of high-end system doors and windows, car window shade, Sunshine Room and antique windows; huining doors and windows always adhere to the values of co-creation, sharing and win-win, and cooperate with dealers. As a partner and close family, the brand has been developing for 13 years and has set up more than 500 specialty stores across the country to serve the World 6000000 families.