2021 the Whole House Custom Home Industry "Competing for New Competition"

from:Network date:2021-08-04 reading:1036

2021 the whole house custom home industry "competing for new competition"

although it was late, the China Construction Expo (Guangzhou) was over.

In this grand gathering of customized home furnishing enterprises, pan-home circle and China Construction Expo (Guangzhou) sofia, Shangpin Home Collection, on wayes, the chairman or general manager of well-known enterprises in the industry, such as customization, invited a meeting to discuss 2021 how to "compete for a new competition".


(Image Source: Red Net home, invasion and deletion)

chen Wanghui, deputy general manager of China trade exhibition, pointed out that China Construction Expo (Guangzhou) has maintained three leading positions in the industry: 1. The scale of the exhibition is still ahead, and the scale of this year's construction expo is 400000 square meters, 100000 square meters more than the previous one; 2. The quality of the exhibition keeps the industry leading. There are 2,000 brand enterprises participating in this exhibition, an increase of 400 compared with last year; 3, the participation of the whole industry chain of the exhibition keeps the industry leading. From the upstream production equipment accessories to the whole house customization of the whole finished products, it can be said that it covers everything in the whole industry.

Zhang Chuanxi, founder of China Gaoding Exhibition & China Gaoding club, expressed his confidence in the expansion of Gaoding Market. For example, in the communication mobile phone industry, Huawei has just begun to enter the designer price is not high, there is a big gap between Huawei and Apple in terms of technology. However, Huawei's Shenzhen city is constantly innovating. Through its value and technological innovation, the market share has gradually increased, it shows the necessity and expansion of the future high-definition trend of the industry; It points out that in the future, major home furnishing enterprises can improve themselves and enhance their product technology capabilities while fighting the war, product capability and innovation capability.

New Trends of customized home changes

the summit is divided into two halves. In the first half of the summit, Shangpin Home collection general manager Li Jiachong, Sophia executive President assistant Nie erhui, wayes customized CEO Ouyang Xi, goldenhome senior vice president Sun Weige, haolaike marketing general manager kuteng, but Yang Dong, the general manager of Dinggu marketing, Xianxi and executive president of baidesheng home, reduced the growth rate of the whole house custom home industry affected by the epidemic, while the pre-application performance gradually rebounded, the development trend and competition situation of the industry are discussed.


(Image Source: Red Net home, invasion and deletion)

li Jiachong, general manager of Shangpin Home Collection, has rebounded to the bottom of the home furnishing industry. He believes that the first is the changes in the consumer market and the strengthening of consumers' awareness of healthy and environment-friendly, in turn, major home furnishing enterprises have also launched products such as formaldehyde-free plates to open new growth points. The second is that the demand for one-stop home decoration is getting stronger and stronger, giving home furnishing enterprises another opportunity to fully transform and complete the package Shangpin Home collection, BIM technology is adopted to enable the realization of personalized customization requirements for home decoration enterprises in digitalization, informatization and mass customization.

Ouyangxi, CEO of wayes customization, also believes that with the intensification of the whole house customization competition, the whole package has become a new channel, but the whole package enterprises must clearly understand their own positioning, have clear access channels and traffic terminals, only with strong comprehensive strength such as design end, deepening end and delivery end can we usher in a real breakthrough.

Sun Weige, senior vice president of goldenhome, and kuiteng, general manager of haolaike marketing center, all agreed that the development of enterprises should maintain their own long board advantages. In the past, the competition of home furnishing enterprises was mostly in spot competition, today, it has been transformed into multi-dimensional and borderless competition. Goldenhome has always been focusing on strong products, strong entrance, strong skills and strong closed loop, spare no effort to do well in the products and services of their own enterprises, grasp their own long board, while haolaike maintains a big home strategy, the same brand, the same agent and the same store adhere to the development path of the original fashion brand and continue to deepen the construction.

Fight for the new track

on the new track of "assembly, high definition, intelligence, hardcover" and other fields, the guests also shared their views on this topic.

General manager of Dinggu marketing, but Xian Xi believes that under the trend of consumption upgrading, the customer value of the home furnishing industry has steadily increased. This phenomenon is caused by the fundamental change in the entry level of home decoration, the formation of the two-level differentiation of household consumption has prompted enterprises to embark on different modes such as mass customization, assembly and high definition. Under this trend, Dinggu is led by light luxury, endorsed by bamboo incense board, and supported by the integration of door wall to implement Dinggu's environmental protection concept and development model.

Yang Dong, CEO of baidesheng home, believes that the current industry has three characteristics: 1. Homogenization of home products; 2. Environmental protection concept, price and talent involution; 3. Consumers' appreciation, recognition, the rationalization and improvement of purchasing power make enterprises need to pay products that conform to consumers based on their own core capabilities. Therefore, baidesheng insists on making limited categories and pursuing the perfection of customized cabinets; Second, unbounded channels, taking the initiative to obtain customers and looking for consumers with valuable needs; Third, shaping the product strategy of brand differentiation, dislocation competition and good customer service.

Nie erhui, assistant executive president of Sofia, believes that competition within standard configuration should be done to enhance digital marketing and digital operation capabilities, and promote digital transformation of intelligent manufacturing, intelligent warehousing and intelligent logistics, with Sophia's multi-brand strategic layout, it serves high, medium and low consumers and enhances Sophia's comprehensive strength.

At the end of the first half, the forum also discussed with Li Jiachong about the integration of BIM Shangpin Home collection as a major industry event and Jingdong's strategic investment in it. Li Jiachong believes that the BIM assembly concept of Shangpin Home collection is more to build an empowerment platform, empower home improvement enterprises and empower customized distributors. Jingdong's strategic cooperation is a cooperation in four dimensions: 1. Jointly establish a service system under the launch of double brand lines; 2. Create a fully assembled cloud building materials model; 3. Combine Jingdong's smart logistics, build building materials home front warehouse; 4. Enable Jingdong to become a joint consumer platform for home appliances and home decoration through online and offline services.

Bonus era? Or the Red Sea era?

In the second half of the summit, host pan-home circle Zhou Zhong said that the whole house customization has bid farewell to the bonus era and entered the Red Sea era. The Matthew effect of the industry is becoming more and more obvious, such as price war, talent war, flow war, etc, testing the firm's determination, in this industry environment, Tang Bin, chairman of Mage customization, Wang Juntai, chairman of guante customization, Zhang Dajiao, president of Kefan, Wang Biao, president of snimay, Huang Weiguo, lai Yongjing, vice president of marketing in Kanoa, and Jia Weizhen, deputy general manager of Xinbiao home, shared how their enterprises broke through the track in the face of the challenges of the Red Sea era in the industry.


(Image Source: Red Net home, invasion and deletion)

tang Bin, chairman of Marge customization, said that an enterprise or brand will definitely go through the stages of environmental protection competition, price competition and traffic competition from the bonus era to the Red Sea era. No matter at what stage, what enterprises need to do is to be consumer-oriented, pay attention to brand positioning and brand strategic layout, and Marge's "Youyan PICOOC" is also driven by these factors.

Wang Jun, chairman of guante customization, thinks that there is no bonus era, and home customer-made enterprises are now in the Red Sea era. The so-called Red Sea is an era opened up by enterprises in order to meet the higher consumption demand of users, and they are constantly striving for competition and fighting with blood and blood.

Huang Weiguo, CEO of snimay, also believes that there is no such statement as Red Sea at all, and this Guangzhou construction expo is also full of growth and vitality. An enterprise keeps pace with the times, and it will always have opportunities for continuous innovation. The Red Sea is conformist and will eventually be eliminated by the industry under the survival of the fittest in the society. To achieve differentiation, enterprises must stick to their own path, do a good job in products and services.

Kanoa vice president & general manager of marketing Lai Yongjing proposed that industry competition is inevitable, but benign competition is conducive to the sustainable development of the industry, and non-benign competition will cause disadvantages to the industry. As a customized household industry, we need to face it actively, practice internal skills and do a good job in products and services to stand out from the competition.

Jia Weizhen, deputy general manager of the new standard home furnishing, believes that the development of the industry to today is the release of desire, pointing out that an enterprise should be like the head enterprise of the whole house customization, and be in awe of the product category, in the face of desire and stop loss in time, we should have a sense of responsibility and develop large and small enterprises together.

What is the way of development

in this era of flourishing flowers, different enterprises have different paths: go up to the high-definition route, go down to launch their own brands, develop horizontally to launch complete sets, and follow the Environmental Protection route vertically, cultural Route. Tang Bin, chairman of Marge customization, believes that whether a brand belongs to high definition depends on consumers. Brands only need to do a good job in positioning, strategy, channel scale and service to win the recognition of the market and consumers. Wang Jun, chairman of guante customization, thinks that customers care about design and culture, and should inherit and inject Chinese traditional culture (golden wood, water and fire soil) in house decoration.

Zhang Dajiao, chairman of Yandan, pointed out that the core of enterprise development is the nature of business, and the most important marketing channel is the product flow and the communication flow of community neighbors.

Wang Biao, president of Kefan, proposed three underlying logic: practicability; Scale and industrialization; Customization is realized by operation.

Kanoa vice president & general manager of marketing Lai Yongjing shared Kanoa of brand channels and development layout, taking the diversified development path of hardcover and assembly. Its development layout includes the layout of strategic direction and strategic determination, and the layout of product positioning. Jia Weizhen, deputy general manager of new standard home, talked about Gao Ding, believing that this was the satisfaction of the industry, enterprises and consumers to the high-end demand. Natural selection, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest and the law of the jungle may be the most appropriate description of the current competition and development status of the big household industry. Only by standing out in the battle for innovation again and again can we embark on the real big home industry track.

(Article Source: Red Net home, invasion and deletion)