Real Estate and Home Industry Development Forum Held a Conversation "Ideal Home"

from:Network date:2021-08-04 reading:1007

China real estate and home furnishing industry development forum held a conversation "Ideal Home"

on July 20, the 23rd China Construction Expo (Guangzhou) with the theme of "New service pattern of Ideal Home" opened in the Canton Fair exhibition hall.

During this period, in order to deeply discuss the development direction of real estate industry and the further integration trend of real estate and home furnishing industry, China Construction Expo (Guangzhou), Xinhuanet, guangzhou Casar Media jointly held the "2021 real estate and home furnishing industry development forum", inviting domestic famous economists, real estate enterprises and home furnishing enterprises related industry leaders, jointly discuss the development opportunities of real estate and home furnishing industry under the "14th Five-Year Plan.

中国房产与家居产业发展论坛举办 共话“理想家”_1

(Image Source: Red Net home, invasion and deletion)

"2021 real estate and home Industry Development Forum" site

three leading solutions

as a large exhibition of home furnishing and construction industry, the construction expo actively leads the development trend of the industry and plays an important role in promoting the industry to realize the domestic circulation and leading the industry to build a new development pattern.

Hua Qian, head of China Construction Expo, said in his speech that despite the impact of the epidemic, the exhibition still maintained "three leading": Leading in scale, leading in quality and leading in participation in the whole industry. This exhibition is the first platform for industry Champion Enterprises, the first platform for attracting investment and selecting Merchants in the big home construction industry, and the first platform for industry innovation ideas. The exhibition will closely follow the theme of "building an ideal home and serving a new pattern" and display the best solutions for enterprises in the industry around providing a good living environment, a warm and suitable home.

Duan Shiwen, the chief editor of the client of Xinhua News Agency, said in his video speech that 2021 was the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and "living in a house without speculation" was still master tone. I hope that through this forum, we can jointly promote the healthy development and common progress of the industry. Xinhua will also constantly innovate communication concepts and development models, spread the voice of China, tell Chinese stories well, and continue to add temperature, characteristics, grounding, and various forms of news propaganda reports, to contribute to the healthy and orderly development of the big home construction industry.

"As a member of the industry, we should make due efforts for the common development of the industry." Chen Xiaoyun, general manager of Guangzhou Casar media and general planning of the conference, introduced that Guangzhou Casar media is an industrial service platform focusing on real estate, home furnishing and design ecosystem, hoping to see the future more clearly through discussion, the more I look at the market, the more I see it. I believe that with the joint efforts of all industrial people, the industry will achieve new development achievements in the new development period.

Achieve high-quality development around green and livable intelligence

on July 15, the economic "semi-annual report" of the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan" was presented to the world. In the first half of the year, China created more than 53 trillion yuan of GDP, a year-on-year increase of 12.7 percent.

中国房产与家居产业发展论坛举办 共话“理想家”_2

(Image Source: Red Net home, invasion and deletion)

yao Jingyuan, a famous economist and chairman of the Investigation Center of the State Council, delivered a keynote speech.

Yao Jingyuan, a famous economist and chairman of the Investigation Center of the State Council, pointed out in his keynote speech "real estate and home under the new development pattern" that the first semi-annual report at the beginning of the "14th Five-Year Plan" showed that, china's economy delivers high-quality development signals. China's economy, which has gone through the "big test" of the epidemic, is improving season by season and moving steadily on the road to recovery. He believes that the real estate and home furnishing industries must be closely integrated with the needs of people's good life, and the development should shift from pursuing quantity and speed to pursuing quality. At the same time, we should focus on the three directions of green, livable and intelligent to achieve high-quality development.

中国房产与家居产业发展论坛举办 共话“理想家”_3

(Image Source: Red Net home, invasion and deletion)

honorary Vice President of China Real Estate Association, former director of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Administration, and deputy secretary of the party group Miaole, such as delivering a keynote speech

honorary Vice President of China Real Estate Industry Association, former director of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Administration, and deputy secretary of the party group Miaole as pointed out in a speech with the theme of "The future development trend of real estate", under the new development pattern, real estate enterprises should "keep the red line and reduce leverage" to prevent financial and market risks and strengthen project quality management. "Real estate and home furnishing enterprises should learn from manufacturing industry in a down-to-earth manner. Excellent enterprises can live, live well and live long by making efforts to earn long money, slow money and honest money." He believes that future industry opportunities come from insight into changes in customer needs and grasping urban development.

Cross-border integration actively communicate and explore more high quality services

中国房产与家居产业发展论坛举办 共话“理想家”_4

(Image Source: Red Net home, invasion and deletion)

industry insiders talk about the new trend of industry development

in order to discuss the development direction of real estate and home furnishing industry under the 14th Five-Year Plan, this Forum invited industry association leaders, real estate company and head home furnishing brand entrepreneurs to talk together, focusing on industry hot spots, pain points, difficulties, explore the general trend of industrial integration of real estate and home furnishing.

How can the real estate industry maintain healthy, benign and orderly development? Chen Wei, secretary general of the interior decoration committee of China Real Estate Association, said that the real estate association has been promoting the norms and standards between upstream and downstream enterprises and between industries, hoping to promote the high-quality development of the entire real estate industry. At the same time, it helps home furnishing and decoration building materials enterprises to achieve new breakthroughs in new products, new technologies, new materials and new applications. "Only by letting real estate, construction units, design units and enterprises in the home industry chain know what consumers need can they work together to build better and more quality houses."

wei Dongchang, general manager of hardcover management department of rongchuang China Beijing regional group, believes that from the perspective of enterprises, the steady development of real estate enterprises is to support the development of real estate industry. With the vigorous development of the industry, consumers' requirements for quality are indeed getting higher and higher. On the premise of good quality, how to build its own brand and continuously meet the growing needs of the people are all issues that enterprises need to think about for a long time.

Facing the new development pattern, how can enterprises give full play to their own advantages and look for new growth points and breakthrough points?

"Tourism Hotel enterprises have been pursuing the goal of continuously providing innovative products, but these innovative products depend on manufacturing enterprises and suppliers to a greater extent." Hou Hongwei, vice president of the development department of Yongle Huabang group, said frankly, "I hope we can integrate across borders and consider the design from the perspective of consumers' own experience. At the same time, I hope there will be more exchanges between industries, from top to bottom, to produce better products."

zhou Guoyue, president of Hangzhou Nobel Ceramics Co., Ltd., believes that the development of the industry will bring more opportunities and space for middle and high-end enterprises. Enterprises can gain greater recognition from customers by providing more high quality products and better services. "Enterprises still need to invest plus-sized in original products. In terms of how to tap colors and mechanisms, enterprises need to integrate good things in our country into materials to meet customers' needs and find new things for upstream enterprises, we have been exploring the breakthrough."

"First of all, we must define our position." Wang Yonghui, vice president of Gold cabinet, analyzed, "after the positioning is clear, what we have to do is very simple, improving production efficiency, controlling costs, improving quality and ensuring delivery. We need to continue to adjust the industrial structure. It turned out to be only new housing. Now it includes renovation and provision of whole house scenes. We must do these well."

bao Rongyi, director of indoor center & hotel center of Greenland Group, believes that the relationship between real estate and supply chain tests developers' development and operation capabilities to a large extent. This includes product planning, planning, technical management, cost adaptation and construction restoration. Suppliers should conduct research and development on the basis of health, safety, comfort and pleasure in the future. "The product finally serves the customer. It is hoped that developers and supply chains will have more fit in the future, reduce ineffective and material losses, and finally achieve win-win results."

(Article Source: Red Net home, invasion and deletion)