[Gathering Win-Win Situation, Zhisheng Terminal] Feiyu Doors and Windows Combined with Tencent Smart Retail to Build a Private Ecosystem!

from:Network date:2022-07-21 reading:1428

Recently, the distributor of Feiyu doors and windows will hold a grand meeting in Mianyang, Sichuan province in 2022. [Gathering win-win situation, Zhisheng terminal] Feiyu doors and windows will be organized at the terminal, and Tencent will fully empower new retail with innovative wisdom. Feiyu doors and windows subvert the traditional mode together with dealers, win in the era of digital intelligence, lead the direction of the industry, and take intelligence to the future!

The door and window industry is undergoing transformation in the competition. Facing the complex and changeable industry environment and the deep-seated needs of consumers, it keeps up with the pace of the times, grasps the pulse of the times together with Feiyu's family, and breaks the situation and builds a new one.

Explore new growth modes, expand new marketing channels, introduce smart ways to improve efficiency, reach comprehensive strategic cooperation with Tencent's new retail, build smart ecology, create business value, and fully embrace the new era, new track, new future.

Facing the new digital retail era, private social relations have become the core resource of enterprises. At this year's conference, Feiyu doors and windows officially announced a long-term strategic cooperation with Tencent Smart Retail! As the only brand that Tencent smart retail cooperates in the door and window industry, we will jointly open the road of private growth.

General manager of Tencent Smart Retail vertical industry ecology-Zhang Jinyu

the mission of Tencent Smart Retail is based on the retail industry and helps brands link Tencent's global capabilities. This strategic cooperation promotes Feiyu doors and windows to enter the blue ocean of smart new retail, and continuously builds an ecosystem around social networking, content and transactions, realize the closed loop of home decoration transaction link, give full play to the potential of brands and distributors, and create a private traffic pool belonging to Feiyu.

Vice General Manager, founder of Youju Yingke-Lin Changheng

build a Smart ecosystem and create business value. Embracing smart new retail, you can have all-round and continuous deep contact with users, so as to truly and continuously deliver Feiyu brand stories and brand values to users and realize the real contrarian breakthrough!

Organizational ability is the foundation of an enterprise's everlasting Foundation, and strategy is the compass for organizing this giant ship to travel steadily. Feiyu doors and windows have experienced 42 years of development and precipitation. In the changing market environment and policy environment, they have continuously improved their strategic flexibility and established a trend bravely.

President of famous Habitat Group-Liu Jiali

Under the wonderful sharing of Liu Jiali, the president of famous Habitat group, let us deeply perceive that the brand is not built by ourselves, and the strength of Feiyu's cohesion makes Feiyu become today's national brand, because Feiyu believes that only by unifying can we quickly respond to changes in the market and consumers, strengthen the establishment of organizational capabilities, adhere to customer orientation, focus on customer needs and customer value, and create greater value for customers, achieve a long Foundation.

Innovation is the first driving force leading the development. To seek innovation is to seek the future. Feiyu doors and windows, as the first brand of high-end customized aluminum alloy doors and windows in China, are fully accelerating innovation genes, gaining insight into industry trends and leading the industry Vane.

General manager of Feiyu door and window marketing Center-Chen Feiyu

Chen Feiyu, general manager of Feiyu doors and windows, elaborated on the theme of this annual meeting, "gathering win-win situation, Zhisheng terminal. From the aspects of operation, products, services, delivery and digitization, Feiyu's planning and deployment in the second half of the year will be clearer, Feiyu's confidence in terminals will be strengthened, and Feiyu will be ready to deal with major changes in the industry, subvert and recreate the future, formulate the strategy of winning the battle, empower the global drainage of terminal marketing, unite to sprint 2022, and achieve a comprehensive win-win situation.

Feiyu people stand up bravely and are always at the forefront of the industry. We believe that only by following the trend and leading the future can we win the market and reach the peak of wealth together. We use good doors and windows made in China for every family, and make contributions to the green and health of the Earth while realizing human's yearning for a better home life. We will do our best!

With the "new" forward, Feiyu door and window officer announced a new VI upgrade!

End! Feiyu doors and windows building expo gathered to create a camp, wonderful circle