Yao Jingyuan: the Real Estate and Household Industry Has Changed to Green, Livable and Intelligent

from:Network date:2021-08-04 reading:1052

Yao Jingyuan: the real estate and household industry has changed to green, livable and intelligent

on July 20, the 23rd China Construction Expo (Guangzhou) with the theme of "New service pattern of Ideal Home" opened in the Canton Fair exhibition hall. Yao Jingyuan, a famous economist and chairman of the Investigation Center of the State Council, pointed out in his keynote speech "real estate and home under the new development pattern", "the real estate and home furnishing industries must be closely integrated with the people's better life needs, from the past more pursuit of quantity and speed to the pursuit of quality. Focusing on the three directions of 'green, livable and intelligence', seize opportunities, accelerate industry transformation, and achieve high quality development."


(Image Source: Red Net home, invasion and deletion)

yao Jingyuan, a famous economist and chairman of the Investigation Center of the State Council

2021 was the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan". After experiencing the "big test" of the epidemic, China's economy was still stable and strengthened, stable and positive in the first half of the year, and achieved hard-won achievements. When talking about the contribution made by the construction and household industry in promoting employment and improving people's livelihood, Yao Jingyuan said, "the good development trend of China's household industry has greatly improved the employment level, the good employment situation has created opportunities for the improvement of people's livelihood."

"In the first half of the year, the average annual income of the government, enterprises and the common people all rose steadily." Yao Jingyuan introduced, "in the first half of this year, the growth rate of fiscal revenue exceeded 20%, the growth rate of rural income exceeded that of cities and towns, the income gap between urban and rural areas gradually narrowed, and the economic growth shifted to consumption, investment, export three major power coordination drive transformation."

the construction of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay Area and the integrated development of Yangtze River Delta are China's major national strategies. "We are committed to building a science and innovation base at the forefront of the world. Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay Area is an active area in China's market economy." How can the real estate industry help the construction of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay Area? Yao Jingyuan introduced, "it should be built into a livable, industry-friendly, employment, entrepreneurship, and travel-friendly area."

in order to meet the needs of people's better life, Yao Jingyuan pointed out, "to combine housing and home with people's better life, we should change to the three directions of 'green, livable and Intelligence."

specifically, "in order to fulfill our country's commitment of carbon peak in 2030 and carbon neutral in 2060, we should pay attention to green home and green residence from raw materials, construction and installation to decoration. Secondly, housing should be livable. With the acceleration of the aging process in our country, the needs of the elderly should be considered from the beginning of residential design, such as adding wheelchair channels and developing enough stair space. In addition, due to the development of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies in recent years, smart home has broad space and unlimited prospects. Therefore, the construction and home furnishing industries should seize the opportunity to speed up the transformation, from pursuing more quantity and speed in the past to pursuing quality, and make greater efforts on 'green, livable and Intelligence." As for the future development prospect of the industry, Yao Jingyuan believes that "the country will double in the next 15 years."

(Article Source: Red Net home, invasion and deletion)