Listen to FM's Breakthrough in the Current Development Dilemma of Broadcasting and Its New Media

from:Network date:2022-07-26 reading:1500

In November, 2014, Radio Beijing launched a listening FM client from the height of media integration strategy-level applications. By January 2022, listen to FM has been revised to version 5.5 released online. With the combination of "Hello, listen" artificial intelligence voice function and "interactive chat room", the interaction of broadcasting and media integration is strengthened, and the production capacity of media integration products is enhanced with high-quality visual live broadcasting, enter the blue ocean of "listening and reading" market with "vertical channel...... Based on the perspective of "sound producer" proposed by Radio Beijing, this paper takes the innovation process of listening to FM client as the research sample, this paper discusses the path selection of MCN transformation of radio background audio client.


focus on the interactive experience of vehicle users

breaking through the shackles of one-way Broadcasting

In 2014, Radio Beijing, Central People's Broadcasting Station and Radio Shanghai launched the same year to listen to FM, China Radio client and Archimedes FM, becoming the pioneer of radio transformation. In November, 2014, listen to the launch of FM1.0. In January 2022, listen to the release of fm5.5. After more than 7 years of development, listening to FM has opened a brand-new transformation path to stick to the vehicle listening position and expand the production of MCN products.

Listen to the pain points that it is difficult for users to participate in interaction through mobile phones in the vehicle-mounted scene with FM. An interactive chat room is specially set up on the client to comprehensively use voice, text, pictures and other participation methods, various types of chat rooms are opened in different categories. Interaction with a certain degree of professionalism and intentions will also be selected as "selected content", making it possible for listeners to share broadcast content. Listening to the introduction of FM5.5 shows that during the process of listening back to the radio program, users can choose valuable and interesting paragraphs. They can DIY edit and create short audio by sliding the logo with their fingers, it also allows users to customize audio titles and covers, share them with social media such as Weibo and WeChat with one click, and expand the volume of content transmission. The online editing function not only makes user interaction and participation more active due to its convenience, but also enhances the interest of users in generating secondary audio products through editing, making the content touch the potential user layer of listening to FM, in the process of enhancing the good experience and media dependence of senior users, effectively listen to FM product marketing for new users.

The objective environment of vehicle-mounted listening limits users' hands and eyes. For a long time, Radio Beijing has been committed to the technological breakthrough of the interactive function between radio and audience. The introduction of SMS interaction by broadcasting media originated from the suggestion of the host of Beijing Radio Traffic Broadcasting "all the way unblocked" in 2002 and was adopted. With the continuous development of communication technology, listening to FM fully considers the timeliness and security requirements of interaction, focusing on the research and development of "Hello, little listen" broadcast intelligent interactive voice response system, users can directly interact with the host by using natural voice during the network audio and video live broadcast. On the basis of the network, directly convey the information to the host and other users through a series of professional technical processing. In this way of interaction, drivers only need to speak naturally without other operations. They wake up "Hello, Listen" by voice and directly connect to the broadcast chat room on the FM platform. With this technology, the driving safety is greatly improved, and the efficiency of interaction is also improved. "Hello, listen" artificial intelligence voice interaction function not only breaks through the pain points of vehicle-mounted radio interaction accurately, but also protects the position of radio live programs in vehicle-mounted listening scenes, in the development of network platform, it has innovated the distribution and transmission mode of broadcasting, explored the establishment of new man-machine intelligence relationship, and profoundly influenced the interactive relationship between vehicle audio, machines and car owners.


explore Visual broadcast live

help multi-channel distribution product production

Radio Beijing started the exploration of visual broadcasting very early. In June 2017, Beijing Radio FM98.2 Youth Radio launched a broadcast visualization media platform under the name of "The first full-frequency visualization radio station in China" to explore elements such as "live video" and "barrage, turn" you broadcast me listen "into" reality show "of radio programs, make broadcasting" visible "and realize diversified broadcasting media value. In the process of broadcasting visual program production, in addition to hosting the program, the anchor also prepares pictures and video materials. After the live broadcast of the program is completed, the producer is also responsible for video editing.

On the client listening to FM5.5, users can see FM95.4 Beijing story broadcast and listen to FM integrated operation, launched the first night light variety talk show "mogul is coming". The program invites leading scientific figures, celebrities in the literary world, successful financial and commercial people and other visitors to the live broadcast room to communicate and interact in real time, share interesting opinions and tell stories of experiences, every Tuesday, at 8 o'clock in the evening of five, the story broadcast and listen to FM will implement synchronous audio and video live broadcast in Beijing. For example, in March 2022, "Mogul is coming" invited to the good sister band, screenwriter Song Fangjin, and dubbing actor Jiang Guangtao, who is famous for her voice, not only live interviews are interesting, moreover, short videos produced by post-processing were distributed to social media such as listening to FM official microblog, which also won a high number of clicks.

With high-quality live video materials, broadcast media can not only produce sound products, but also produce graphic products with screenshots and voice conversion text, and produce short video products with video clips. The visual presentation of broadcast live programs solves the material source of broadcast derivative network products characterized by interactivity, and enables multi-channel network products to effectively reach various user scenarios, truly realize multi-scenario development and application.


vertical module Division

meet the diverse needs of dynamic and static scenarios

Listen to FM at the beginning of its creation, it hopes to create a simple and easy-to-use user interface, while version 5.5 aims at different listening scenarios to implement accurate classification through long-term data accumulation and analysis, enable the content display channel. The new version of the interface starts from accurately grasping user needs, optimizing column settings, visual presentation and functional module layout, such as broadcasting, Winter Olympics, information, listening to books, VIP, old age, parent-child, Beijing flavor, history, radio dramas, emotions, entertainment, etc. provide integrated services of content and activities through accurate classification of vertical channels. For example, at the beginning of 2022, listen to FM's integrated resources to launch the Winter Olympics section, release the latest schedule and news, and open interactive chat rooms to initiate interaction to meet users' demand for current affairs information.

While sticking to the dynamic scene of the mobile receiver to meet users' information, companionship and interactive needs, listen to FM fully tap its own advantages of "sound producers" and advance into the blue ocean of "listening to reading" market. The history of building Taiwan for more than 70 years, the valuable resources accumulated by massive high-quality sound works, archaeological renovation, sorting out the copyright and presenting it again; The establishment of Beijing yuecu time Culture Media Company, fully responsible for foreign copyright cooperation business; More than 200 professional "good voice", high-level audio production team, professional production process, and continuous production of quality content. Diversified channels allow FM to continuously gather the boutique content library of audio books.


radio station and its audio client

discussion on the path of MCN transformation

Listen to the successful practice of FM to inspire us, guard the advantages of "sound producers" and lay out the MCN development, which has become the only way for the transformation of Radio client.

(1) pay attention to the construction of voice interaction entrance and play a good role in "vehicle listening scene defense War"

broadcast should be well-protected in the vehicle-mounted listening scene, and the problem of smooth voice interaction entrance must be solved. After the "Hello, listen" artificial intelligence voice function is enabled, the listening volume of FM broadcast has increased by 154%, and the listening scale of users has increased by 66%. At the same time, nearly 70 live programs of Radio Beijing are connected to the "interactive chat room" of the FM platform to realize real-time interactive communication between hosts of live programs and listeners, listeners and listeners. The broadcast live broadcast intelligent interactive voice response system is built on the listening FM client and combined with interactive chat rooms, which not only greatly facilitates listeners to listen to the interactive participation of broadcast live programs, at the same time, the broadcast audience is well drained to the client platform, which is very beneficial for users to listen to and participate in the collection and analysis of interactive data, and more accurately "portraits" for radio stations and their client users ", master user needs and maintain loyal user groups.

(Ii) planning and production of intensive cultivation visual content create conditions for multi-channel distribution of products

the media-integrated live broadcast room with visual live broadcast function has become the standard of smart broadcast construction. However, if the radio station wants to take the road of intelligent production of Shangrong media, it also needs to plan and produce the visual content intensively. To transform the production of MCN-based multi-channel distribution products, many radio stations are not only poor in hardware, but also "building high-level teams with media thinking".

The first is to build a live broadcast system. In order to do a good visual live broadcast, Beijing Youth Radio is not only equipped with multiple high-definition cameras to meet the needs of different angles; The background wall is designed as an active LED screen for displaying program posters, videos and picture materials. The live broadcast room is specially equipped with "performance area", stage lighting and microphone equipment, and guests can perform singing, dancing and other talents live. An independent video live broadcast software system is also developed. The host or director can switch multimedia materials such as pictures, videos, PPT and so on at any time; The lens switching mode can be set to automatic sound recognition mode except manual, the system automatically identifies and tracks the speaker and distributes the shot. This visual broadcast studio not only retains the characteristics of broadcast live, but also meets the needs of video live broadcast.

The second is the team's investment. Wu Zhoutong thought in the article: "The discussion on visual broadcasting will eventually return to 'Human'. The content of the program needs to focus on the concept of 'people-Center' and think what the audience think, the construction of the program production team also needs the pattern of integrating media." Listen to "mogul coming" on FM. Users can not only see the pictures of hosts, guests and panoramic seats switch naturally, but also the lighting layout is just right, the content of the program-the invitation of guests and their wonderful narration, as well as the processing of technology, together with the sound high quality of the broadcast itself, all make people naturally attracted. These results are the result of team strength investment, not just relying on the host or adding another director. Therefore, the visual live broadcast team of beijing radio youth broadcasting believes that "broadcast visualization is neither equivalent to 'broadcasting and TV ', nor operates the program completely in accordance with the 'Internet celebrity live broadcast' mode. Broadcast visualization should be based on the characteristics of broadcasting and explore visualization on the basis of giving full play to the existing advantages of broadcasting, from content, form, technology, function, communication modes and other aspects realize the integration between media and maximize the value of traditional broadcast media."

(3) pay attention to the copyright development of audio products and advance into the blue ocean of "listening and reading" market

based on the perspective of "sound producers", there are still many resources in broadcasting media that have not been developed and utilized.

First of all, China's radio stations at all levels have a history of six or seven decades. The profound accumulation of audio media resources is a precious resource that is difficult to regenerate, including the "good voice" left by the broadcasting hosts of the older generation ", it also includes historical data accumulated in audio form. For example, radio beijing discovered a group of precious works of mr. mei lanfang, a peking opera master, through the excavation of precious stock literary resources, and concentrated on sorting out and renovating 128 mei lanfang record programs, listening to FM's "Complete Works of Mei Lanfang records", it not only protects opera classics, but also develops exclusive audio [7] cultural products.

Secondly, the combination of PGC, specially invited UGC and the copyright of audio books can solidify "good sound" into audio literary works and become a new classic of audio client platform. Because of this, listening to FM laid out the audio reading field of online literature as early as possible. In june 2021, it joined hands with china's "online literature +" conference and relied on the basic copyright library of excellent works of the conference, select works with themes such as realism, contemporary history and urban workplace, and form professional editing and broadcasting teams, in addition, the first batch of production and launch of five audio books, including "failure skates", "chinese ambition", "people's doctor", "canal family" and "upright. It is the continuous deep cultivation based on the advantages of "sound producers". Listen to the classic works such as mao zedong, sword, people's name, murder of orient express and so on in FM5.5, and broadcast or radio dramas, it has become a "hot play" that users are keen on listening to, and has attracted a group of VIP users who are willing to pay for listening. The App Store even uses "listening to books and listening to the radio to send beauty to your ears" as its slogan, focusing on the "listening to books" section of listening to FM. Facing the custom scenarios of different users, various targeted sections are launched to retain users, and listening to FM effectively improves the user stickiness of the platform. Paying attention to the development and protection of copyright of audio products can make radio stations get a share in the field of paid listening in the future and accumulate capital for broadcasting media to advance into the blue ocean of "listening and reading" market.