2022 Mid-Year Working Meeting Held on Aluminum Group

from:Network date:2022-07-28 reading:1572

On July 24, aluminum group, the mid-year 2022 Working Conference was held by video conference. Aluminum Group general manager and deputy secretary of the party group Liu Xiangmin made the title "Cohesion practice, high quality development, new model, go deep, go real, welcome the party's 20th victory with more excellent performance" the mid-year work report. Aluminum Group Liu Jianping, deputy secretary and director of the party group, made a concluding speech at the meeting. Aluminum Group Ye Guohua, a member of the Party group and chief accountant, made an analysis of economic activities in the first half of the year and made clear the working ideas of production and operation in the second half of the year. Zhang Jing, deputy director of the third bureau of enterprise audit of the National Audit Office, and relevant personnel of the special commissioner office of the audit office in Xi'an were invited to attend. Aluminum Group party leaders Dong monconser, Huang Fuying, Tian Yongzhong, Wei Chengwen, and aluminum group external directors Zhong Jun, Zhang Yuanrong and Nie Xiaofu attended the meeting.

Liu Xiangmin first conveyed the spirit of the seminar of the head of the central enterprise of the State Council SASAC, focusing on accelerating the construction of world-class enterprises, creating the source of original technology, maintaining the steady growth of benefits and the good trend of high-quality development, strive to complete the target task of steady growth throughout the year, provide strong support for stabilizing China's macroeconomic market, and welcome the party's 20th victory with practical actions.

Liu Xiangmin comprehensively summarized the work of the group in the first half of 2022. Since the beginning of this year, the party group of aluminum group has adhered to the guidance of xi jinping's new era of socialism with chinese characteristics, conscientiously implemented the spirit of the central economic work conference and the meeting of the heads of central enterprises of the state council sasac, and insisted on holding the word firmly, the general tone of the work of seeking progress in a stable manner, focusing on the two main lines of "compliance management, risk prevention, quality improvement, efficiency improvement and steady growth", coordinating epidemic prevention and control, reform and development, and resolutely fighting the "four major battles", with steady progress in production and operation, steady progress in reform and innovation, and steady improvement in quality and efficiency, the group was listed as A- level enterprise in the performance appraisal of central enterprises in 2021, making positive contributions to promoting stable economic growth. One is take many measures to achieve steady growth, and the operating performance has reached a record high; the second is strictly control the cost, and the value creation ability is continuously enhanced; the third is perseverance and strong innovation make the role of science and technology engines more prominent; four is increase efforts to speed up the reform, and the development power and vitality continue to burst out; five is seize opportunities to adjust the structure, accelerate the pace of transformation, upgrading and development; six is it has been used for a long time to prevent risks, and the comprehensive management and control ability has been significantly improved; seven is adhere to the party building and lead the guarantee role to be more powerful.

Liu Xiangmin analyzed the current situation and challenges faced by aluminum group. He pointed out that focusing on the second half of the year and focusing on the medium and long term, aluminum group must face challenges, face gaps and focus on grasping the five working principles: one is run through the political requirements of supporting "two establishment" and achieving "two maintenance, the second is the work requirements of taking the word of stability as the head and seeking progress in stability run through the whole process, the third is run through the working standards of striving for first-class and striving for advanced, four is put the working methods of overall planning and bottom line thinking throughout the whole process, five is the work style of firm implementation and hard implementation runs through the whole process.

Liu Xiangmin made arrangements for key work in the second half of aluminum group. He pointed out that in the special year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it created better than expected performance and handed over qualified answers with excellent responsibility. It was the Party organizations at all levels of the group, the major political responsibility that all cadres and workers must shoulder. In the second half of the year, the group should resolutely implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee. According to the speech requirements of Hao Peng, secretary and director of the Party Committee of the State Council SASAC, in the seminar class of the head of the central enterprise, the top priority is to meet the guarantee and study and implement the 20th national congress of the communist party of china, to grasp the theoretical armed forces and build the ideological foundation as the primary task, and to firmly grasp the "epidemic should be prevented, the economy should be stabilized, the overall requirement of" safety for development "; Anchor the overall goal of building a world-class enterprise without wavering, promote the construction of original technology sources without slack, and practice the new mode of high-quality development of chinal without slack; the leadership of the party should run through all aspects of the reform and development of production and operation, and be cautious and determined to lay a good job in the" four major battles "to ensure the completion of all objectives and tasks throughout the year, in order to maintain the stability of the macroeconomic market, to maintain the stability of the overall social situation and make contributions to China aluminum.

The first is to lay a good foundation for improving quality and improving efficiency, and to plant the foundation for high-quality development. Adhere to the cost control and value creation as long-term strategic measures for high-quality development, strive to achieve the goal of "two increases, one control and three improvements", resolutely complete the "two benefits and four rates" index, and strengthen the sharing of worries for the party, responsibility for the country and dedication to the people. First, we need to improve factor efficiency in the whole cycle, second, deepen value creation in all directions, and third, we need to serve the national strategy with high quality.

The second is to fight hard for scientific and technological innovation and activate high-quality development momentum. Insist on putting scientific and technological innovation at the core of the strategy as the number one project. With innovation to empower, talent cohesion, relying on science and technology to speed up, lead high-quality development. First, we need to build the advantages of gathering innovative talents, second, we need to focus on key core technologies, third, we need to continuously improve the energy level of the innovation platform, and fourth, we need to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of green and low carbon.

The third is to play an active role in deepening reform and release the potential for high-quality development. We firmly regard deepening reform as the driving force for breaking the ice and seeking development, and ensure that the three-year reform action ends with high quality. First, we need to force the three system reforms inward, second, we need to promote the term system and contractual management of managers in depth, and third, we need to continuously deepen the reform pilot of state-owned capital investment companies.

The fourth is to lay a good job in risk prevention and control and keep the bottom line of high-quality development. We should firmly prevent all kinds of "Black Swan" and "gray rhinoceros" incidents with the sense of responsibility of "always being at ease. First, we should strengthen safety and environmental protection management without slack, second, we should continuously promote the rectification of special work, and third, we should comprehensively optimize the internal control compliance management mechanism.

Fifth, always adhere to the leadership of the party and strengthen the guarantee of high-quality development. Faithfully practice the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions, always adhere to the party's leadership to strengthen Party building, and transform the party's political and institutional advantages into governance advantages and governance effectiveness, leading high-quality party building to ensure high-quality development. First, we must strengthen political construction and build political loyalty; Second, we must focus on the main theme and grasp the ideological guidance; Third, we must consolidate the foundation of Party building and give full play to political advantages; Fourth, we must improve the organizational function, forge a strong team; Fifth, we must be brave in self-revolution and strictly govern the party in an all-round way; Sixth, we must stick to the original heart of the people and earnestly practice our aim.

Liu Xiangmin stressed that aluminum group should adhere to Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the guide, firmly adhere to the overall goal of building a world-class enterprise, keep in mind the mission, make great efforts, work hard, and focus on development, A blueprint is drawn to the end, implemented consistently, resolutely completed all the goals and tasks throughout the year, and welcomed the 20th victory of the party with better performance.

Liu Jianping put forward three requirements for implementing the spirit of the mid-year work conference: one want quickly convey the spirit of learning conference, second highlight key points and implement the spirit of the meeting, three strict Style to implement the spirit of the meeting.

Liu Jianping emphasized that the top and bottom of the group should fully obey and serve the overall situation of meeting the guarantee and implementing the party's 20th National Congress, further improve the political position, and resolutely achieve the "three always", welcome the 20th victory of the party with practical actions and excellent performance.

First, we must always speak politics clearly. In the new era of Jiangong and welcoming the 20th National Congress, the primary political responsibility is to resolutely implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee. We should adhere to political guidance, strengthen responsibility, be brave in making progress, ensure the completion of the annual target tasks, promote the group's high-quality development, and accelerate the pace of building a world-class enterprise.

Second, we must always focus on developing and strengthening Party building. Party organizations at all levels should put party building in the position of leading the overall situation, actively build a "big party building" pattern of "focusing on development, grasping party building and promoting development", and insist on "focusing on the center, serving the overall situation" is the goal and direction of Party building work, strengthening the system concept, coordinating development and safety, and bringing together the strong synergy of high-quality development of the group with the series of activities of "welcoming the 20th National Congress" with high quality, in order to welcome the victory of the party's 20th National Congress, we should make full political, ideological and organizational preparations. We should give full play to the political advantages of Party building work, tighten and compact the responsibility system of Party building work and strictly manage the party's main responsibility in an all-round way, effectively integrate Party leadership into all aspects of Enterprise Governance, and realize production and operation, effective integration of Party building work and high-quality development goals; To better play the leading role of Party building ideology, plan and deploy the party's 20th National Spirit Study, publicity and implementation work as soon as possible, guide all Party members and cadres and workers to unify their thoughts and actions into the spirit of the party's 20th National Congress, inspire the wisdom and strength of cadres and workers to make contributions based on their posts, and go all out to create a new situation of high-quality development.

Third, we must always prevent and control risks and maintain stability. Party organizations at all levels of the group should earnestly carry out their political responsibilities, fulfill their main responsibilities, do all the work of preventing risks and ensuring stability ahead, prevent problems before they happen, and ensure that the party can trust them at critical moments, reliable. Leading cadres at all levels should carefully control 34 measures in 6 aspects formulated by the group's party group, keep a close eye on all kinds of hidden risks identified in the early stage, and carefully analyze the safety and security according to the actual situation of the unit, to ensure the stability of the new situation, new problems and new challenges faced, play the first game and fight actively to ensure the stability of the workforce, the stability of production and operation, and ensure that no more than a large number of safety, environmental protection and stability incidents occur, create a good environment for the party's 20th victory.

Aluminum Group assistant general manager, general counsel, deputy leader of discipline inspection monitoring team, heads of departments and relevant heads of strategic units, direct management units and key key entity enterprises attended the meeting.