Be Brave to Take Responsibility as a Struggle to Overcome Difficulties, China Aluminum Held a Mid-Year Working Meeting in 2022

from:Network date:2022-07-28 reading:1408

7 month26 day, the company held2022 annual working meeting. On aluminum group, Liu Jianping, deputy secretary of the party group, director, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the board of directors of the company, delivered a speech entitled "courage to take responsibility as a struggle to overcome difficulties and difficulties to meet the party's 20th victory. Zhu Runzhou, deputy secretary of the Party committee and president of the company, made a work report, and Ou Xiaowu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and secretary of the discipline inspection commission, presided over the meeting.

Liu Jianping pointed out that in the first half of the year, the company firmly implemented the overall requirements of the group's "four major battles", effectively responded to the impact of various unexpected factors, showed strong responsibility, promoted key work efficiently, and comprehensively strengthened Party building leadership, work showing the characteristics of "stable, fast and real", the effect significant.

Liu Jianping stressed that it is necessary to recognize the current situation and firmly believe in grasping the initiative of work. Pay close attention to changes in the external environment, face up to their own problems, not be confused by one thing at a time, not afraid of risks, face challenges bravely, grasp key points, break difficulties and stop leakage points, firmly grasp the initiative of development, the initiative of reform and the initiative of responsibility, and win the first opportunity.

Liu Jianping demanded that in the second half of the year, the company should make continuous efforts in seven aspects:


steady growth

Take steady growth as a political task and compact responsibilities layer by layer. Strengthen the operation coordination between the business platform and entity enterprises to ensure the safety of the supply chain of the industrial chain.


cost control

Reduce operating costs in all directions. Accelerate the promotion of the "five standards and one control" and "three standards and one promotion" mode.


structure Adjustment

Accelerate the development of green industry layout, build a new pattern of 3 × 5 industry development, and strive for new breakthroughs in key projects.


seek innovation

play the role of scientific research platform and accelerate the technological breakthrough and achievement transformation of "fit the neck. Strengthen the construction of scientific and technological talents and build a highland for innovative talents.


promote Reform

strengthen the reform "looking back" to sum up the promotion experience and solidify the reform achievements. Three system reforms with blade inward force.


risk prevention

we should do a good job in comprehensive management and firmly hold the bottom line of preventing systemic risks.


Strong Party building

adhere to the leadership of Party building and enhance the ability of party building to innovate, empower and create value.

Zhu Runzhou reviewed the work of the company in the first half of 2022. The company focuses on the main line of "seven eyes and seven sticks" and "Seven sticks", in terms of operating performance, value management, innovation and development, deepening reform, risk prevention and control, party building leading and other six aspects have achieved new results. At the same time, arrangements were made for the work in the second half of the year, focusing on six tasks:


strengthen value management and promote quality improvement and efficiency improvement.


accelerate structural adjustment and optimize industrial layout.


enhance innovation ability and empower high-quality development.


deepen management reform and stimulate motivation.


pay close attention to risk prevention and control to ensure safety and stability.


adhere to the leadership of Party building and strive to take responsibility.

GE Xiaolei, chief financial officer and secretary of the board of directors of the company, made an analysis report on business activities in the first half of 2022.