Starting from the Dealer's Position, Lin Shi Mu Ye Helps to Increase Conversion and Income

from:Network date:2021-08-04 reading:1109

Starting from the dealer's position, Lin Shi mu ye helps to increase conversion and income

in the traditional home decoration sales system, some enterprises earn money from distributors in various ways, regardless of the real terminal sales situation of distributors, force the purchase of goods. Lin Shi mu ye helps distributors discover and create demands in digital languages. Lin Shi Mu Ye is not to earn the franchise fee of distributors, but to really help distributors and their employees make money in the market and achieve win-win results for both parties.


(Photo Source: Fortune China network, invasion and deletion)

use SKU to help dealers convert-increase the explosion rate

as a new retail enterprise, Lin Shi Mu Ye has a better understanding of users' demands and a richer variety. Currently, up to 13000 + SKUs are on sale throughout the year, and 1000 + SKUs are on sale every month. It takes only 30 days from obtaining market demand to product launch. From new product research and development to large-scale listing, Lin Shi Mu Ye has reached the industry pyramid. After in-depth exploration of user needs, the current explosion rate has reached 92%. Moreover, the explosion rate will directly affect the conversion rate and sales volume of stores.

The explosion rate is based on in-depth analysis of the market and quick decision-making and judgment based on market behavior, so as to push new products to the market within 30 days to get ahead. For distributors, the explosion rate is an important condition to ensure sales volume and attract users.

Help distributor staff increase income-improve efficiency and increase income

due to the limitations of traditional stores, the disadvantage of salesmen and other customers coming to the door is that they do not know the real demands of users. Based on the Lin Shi mu ye background big data, the profile analysis of user preferences will be carried out, and the clerk will respond quickly to help customers select and introduce products.

Lin Shi mu ye there are obvious differences between the dealer clerk and the traditional home dealer clerk:

first of all, Lin Shi mu ye distribution stores need strict and systematic training, and every employee must be truly familiar with the brand's young tonality and user positioning; Secondly, be more familiar with the operation process of Internet-related services and the play of various marketing activities. It is reported that the general staff group who are skilled in operating iPad and so on will have higher income. Because they show more product types and equity activities to users, they will bring more valuable information and experience to users, and the transaction amount and conversion rate will be higher; compared with traditional stores, the average monthly income of Lin Shi mu ye salesmen increased by 7%-10%.

Under the new retail mode, Lin Shi Mu Ye took the lead in breaking through the single finished home mode, becoming a model of online and offline new retail, bringing new incremental development to distributors.

(Article Source: Fortune China network, invasion and deletion)