Wan Jiangping, Vice Chairman of Jingzhou CPPCC, Visited Yihe Doors and Windows for Guidance.

from:Network date:2022-08-05 reading:1254

On August 3, Wan Jiangping, vice chairman of Jingzhou CPPCC, visited Yihe doors and windows for guidance. Song Zhaoju, deputy secretary-general of Jingzhou municipal political consultative conference, Chen can, director of Xicheng sub-district office of Jingzhou Jingzhou district, and other leaders accompanied the investigation. Zeng Kui, chairman of Yihe doors and windows, warmly received the company's management.

This time, Jingzhou CPPCC delegation visited Yihe door and window headquarters to visit and exchange, aiming to gather consensus on development, promote the two places to achieve new breakthroughs in platforms, projects, talents, resources and other aspects, and promote high-quality development. Accompanied by Zeng Kui, chairman of Yihe doors and windows, vice chairman Wan Jiangping and his party visited Yihe doors and windows exhibition hall, and had a deep understanding of the company's development history, research and development technology, product business and corporate culture, etc, then the two sides held a symposium.

At the symposium, Zeng Kui, chairman of Yihe doors and windows, warmly welcomed the visit of Vice Chairman Wan Jiangping and his party, and thanked him for his recognition and support for Yihe doors and windows. Then he introduced the situation of enterprise innovation and development, brand optimization, upgrading and building to vice chairman Wan Jiangping and his party in detail, and reported the recent operation status of the enterprise, the achievements made and the important ideas to continue to be stronger and bigger in the future. In recent years, in the process of promoting the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, Yihe doors and windows have been paying close attention to innovation and development, devoting themselves to developing and building digital intelligent factories, and will continue to take digital innovation as the guide in the future to promote the further upgrading of operation and management, lead the high-quality development of the industry with practice.

After listening to Zeng Dong's report, chairman Wan fully affirmed the development of Yihe doors and windows in recent years, and said that Yihe doors and windows, as a leading enterprise in the door and window industry, should regard their own characteristics, advantages made. On the one hand, it is hoped that Yihe doors and windows will continue to make efforts in market expansion, and scientific and technological innovation will continue to be strengthened to make the enterprise bigger and stronger; On the other hand, it is hoped that Yihe doors and windows will continue to give full play to their own advantages, with strong brand strength, perfect product structure and strong channel impetus, we will go out of Guangdong and further expand to the Central Plains Region.

Finally, Zeng Dong said that Yihe doors and windows will give full play to the leading role of the enterprise, make rational use of their own advantages and resources, and build their own core competitiveness with high-quality service quality and good brand influence, towards comprehensive and diversified high-quality development. And to this is an opportunity, further improve the national strategic layout and realize the development pattern of operating results and social benefits going hand in hand.