Quality Doors and Windows Help a Better Life | Guests from Sina Home and Jintang Award Alliance Come to Visit Hennessy Doors and Windows for Exchange

from:Network date:2022-08-05 reading:1389

On the afternoon of August 3, Ms. Ji Jing, general manager of Sina home, ms. Ye lingju, general manager of Sina home doors and windows industry, led by Sina home "quality doors and windows help a better life" discovery tour visiting Group and Jin Tang Award founder of the National Alliance Mr. Xie Haitao, ms. Huang Yanhong, secretary general of the National League of Jintang awards, and other guests walked into Hennessy doors and windows, and awarded the honorary certificate of "Jintang award 2022 designers strictly selected top 10 brands" for Hennessy doors and windows. Mr. Zeng Qingwei, president of doors and windows in Hennessy, Mr. Zeng Fanhui, vice president of doors and windows in Hennessy and chief operating officer of new retail, and Mr. Guo Yunyi, marketing director of doors and windows in Hennessy, warmly received the guests.

Mr. zeng qingwei, president of doors and windows in hennessy (fourth from left), mr. zeng fanhui, vice president of doors and windows and chief operating officer of new retail in hennessy (middle), mr. guo yunyi, marketing director of doors and windows in hennessy (first from right), ms. Ji Jing, general manager of Sina home furnishing (third from the right), Ms. Ye lingju, general manager of Sina home furnishing door and window industry (second from the left), Mr. Xie Haitao, founder of National Alliance of Jin Tang Award (fourth from the right), ms. Huang Yanhong, secretary general of the National League of Jin Tang Awards (second from the right)

accompanied by Mr. Guo Yunyi, director of door and window marketing in Hennessy, all the guests of Sina home and Golden Hall Award Alliance visited the new Sixth generation immersive exhibition hall of Hennessy door and window marketing center. The product project leader introduced the design, technology, and performance of Hennessy doors and windows star products to all guests in detail. At the same time, Mr. Guo discussed the current situation and trend of the system door and window industry with the guests of Sina home and Golden Hall Award alliance, so that all guests could have a deeper understanding of the system door and window industry and the Hennessy door and window brand.

Hennessy Mr. Guo Yunyi, marketing director of doors and windows (first on the left), visited the exhibition hall with guests.

Hennessy the modern and simple exhibition hall style of doors and windows as well as fashionable and aesthetically valuable product design were unanimously appreciated by guests from Sina home and Jintang award alliance, laying a foundation for further cooperation among the three parties. After the visit, several leaders of Hennessy doors and windows took photos with guests in Hennessy doors and windows marketing center.

Symposium at the beginning, Ms. Ji Jing, general manager of Sina home furnishing, said that it was a very rare opportunity for Sina home furnishing, Jintang award Alliance and Hennessy doors and windows to come together during this trip to Hennessy doors and windows, the three parties jointly discuss the innovative development of the industry and seek forward-looking layout, deeply insight into the trend of the new era and jointly build a new situation of high-quality development of doors and windows in China, it is also a manifestation of enterprise feelings.

Sina household Sutra li Ji jing ladies

Later, Mr. Xie Haitao, founder of the National Alliance of Jin Tang awards, delivered a speech. Mr. Xie Haitao said that Hennessy doors and windows, as a partner of China's space industry, helped China's space industry develop and demonstrated social responsibility, which was very consistent with the public welfare concept of Jintang Award. In addition, hennessy the positioning of doors and windows "master of art of doors and windows" also coincides with the original intention of creating a designer's service ecosystem platform with the Golden Hall Award. The golden hall award alliance gathers rich designer resources in the industry, which can empower the front end of the enterprise. The cooperation between the two sides will promote the breakthrough development of the door and window design industry and bring valuable reference significance to the system door and window industry.

Mr. Xie Haitao, founder of the National League of Jin Tang Awards

Mr. Zeng Qingwei, president of Hennessy doors and windows, said that Hennessy doors and windows have always maintained a good cooperative relationship with Sina home and hope to reach more cooperation opportunities with Sina home and Jintang award alliance in the future, more empowers the marketing and terminal of Hennessy doors and windows. Mr. Zeng said that at the moment of the epidemic, enterprises need to "think about the crisis" and actively think about how to break the situation. At the same time, enterprises also need to create better products to face the market and keep up with consumers' needs and aesthetics, gain more initiative in the market.

Mr. Zeng Qingwei, president of doors and windows Hennessy

During the forum, under the leadership of Ms. Ye lingju, general manager of Sina home doors and windows industry, the present leaders and guests had in-depth discussions and exchanges on issues related to designer resource integration, designer channel development, etc, on the way to win the Channel Marketing of designers in the door and window industry, all parties have launched fierce and rational discussions, which have collided with many new viewpoints and sparks. The three parties agreed that enterprises need to build a complete ecosystem solution to link designer resources, improve terminal specialized services, "specialized posts and full-time", and use services to add value to the brand, so as to achieve win-win cooperation among multiple parties.

Mr. Zeng Fanhui, vice president of doors and windows and chief operating officer of new retail Hennessy

Finally, Mr. Xie Haitao, founder of the National Alliance of Jin Tang Award, and Ms. Ji Jing, general manager of Sina home furnishing, jointly awarded Hennessy doors and windows." golden Hall Award2022 designers strictly select brands TOP10"The certificate of honor has drawn a perfect end to the Hennessy window and door of the Sina home and Jintang award alliance.

Mr. Xie Haitao, founder of Jin Tang Award National Alliance, Ms. Ji Jing, general manager of Sina home, Mr. Zeng Fanhui, vice president of doors and windows Hennessy and chief operating officer of New Retail (from left to right)

jin Tang Award is the annual selection of China's interior design with great credibility and influence in China. It is the leading service ecosystem platform of China's interior design industry, serving millions of designers and empowering China's design development. Hennessy doors and windows won the honor of "Jintang award 2022 designers strictly select top 10 brands", which is undoubtedly a high recognition of Hennessy doors and windows brands and products by designers.

From the primary stage of disorderly growth to the new stage of struggling to climb, China's door and window industry has continuously shown strong development momentum and brand vitality. Hennessy doors and windows will seize the opportunity to win more market share with differentiated brand strategy. In the future, Hennessy doors and windows will strengthen cooperation and exchanges with Sina home and Golden Hall Award alliance, join hands with more design leaders with communication value, realize resource sharing, win-win channels and empower brands.