Roland-Style Doors and Windows: Enterprises Should Adhere to Their Own Bottom Line and Do a Good Job in Products and Services.

from:Network date:2022-08-05 reading:1325

On August 3, the 1085th meeting of directors of Foshan Doors and windows industry association visited Roland De-style doors and windows, and discussed with chairman Xiong Linchong on issues such as "how to create a good market atmosphere for Foshan Doors and windows. Xiong Dong said that the bad phenomena existing in the industry market need to be guided slowly. Enterprises should adhere to their own bottom line, do a good job in products and services, and increase market share by building their own brand benefits, instead of obtaining short-term benefits through some improper means; At the same time, the association should also play a role in calling on the vast number of enterprises to unite and do a good job in the "Foshan Doors and windows" environment, and to the market, consumers promote the "good doors and windows 5 2" standard, so that the market and consumers can follow the standards when selecting brands and purchasing products, and can use the real "good doors and windows, foshan Doors and windows made in Foshan"!