The First Batch of 16 Eliminated, Improved 227 Rectification! JS City Continues to Carry out Renovation and Promotion Actions for Wooden Door Industry

from:Network date:2022-08-08 reading:1430

JS city is the "City of wooden doors" in China and the largest domestic log trading and distribution center in east China. After decades of development, although the industrial scale of the entire industry has grown rapidly, however, the transformation and upgrading of the industry are not in place, the development is uneven, the number of leading enterprises is relatively small, and the scale is relatively small. There are still some problems such as incomplete rectification of pollution problems of low and small wooden door enterprises outside the park platform.

In response to this problem, the ecological environment departments of Quzhou JS, cities and counties attach great importance to it, and unite relevant departments and units to work together to improve the industry. The leaders of Quzhou ecological and environment bureau have led teams to conduct research on relevant enterprises in JS city for many times, requiring that precise governance, scientific governance, and legal governance should be highlighted. While treating symptoms and root causes thoroughly, take advantage of the opportunity of industry improvement to promote the green transformation and upgrading of enterprises.

At the same time, in JS, the city focused on 8 key aspects such as source control, waste gas treatment and waste gas collection to carry out rectification and improvement for wooden door industry enterprises. On May this year, JS city issued the "JS city wooden door industry improvement action plan", which comprehensively launched the "tough battle" for the improvement of wooden door industry ". In July, JS city held an enlarged meeting of the leading group for improvement of wooden door industry, further push move various mission objectives put it into practice.

In the early stage, the JS sub-bureau, together with the Economic and Information Bureau and towns (streets), carried out investigations and found out the number of wooden door enterprises in the city, and confirmed 243 enterprises to be included in the rectification list. At the same time, together with experts from territorial and environmental hospitals, they conducted on-site inspections on 243 enterprises one by one, formulated "one enterprise, one policy", determined the first batch of 16 enterprises to be eliminated, and improved 227 enterprises. Up to now, 95 enterprises that choose end governance and transformation have signed purchase contracts with equipment manufacturers to complete the filing of design plans; 37 choose oil to water, 15 choose paint change free", all signed a letter of commitment; The rest of the paint and paint-free process enterprises have carried out rectification in an orderly manner.

In the next step, JS city will continue to carry out the renovation and upgrading work of the wooden door industry in depth by matching the standards and tables, and push forward the green transformation and innovative development of the wooden door enterprises in the city through comprehensive management to force industrial transformation and upgrading, improve quality and efficiency.