Sudden: The Jinan Beiyuan Store of Juran Home Announced Its Closure!

from:Network date:2022-08-08 reading:1524

On July 26, merchants in Jinan Beiyuan store of Juran home received a notice asking them to withdraw all before July 31. On the morning of August 2, the reporter visited the Jinan Beiyuan store of Juran home on the spot. The staff said that the Jinan Beiyuan store of Juran home is a rental mall.

When we entered the mall, we heard the sound of tape tearing and cargo packing and dragging from time to time. Some top light, air conditioners and escalators had stopped using.

At present, some owners have completed the withdrawal, leaving only wallpaper and other inconvenient items.

"To be honest, it is too temporary, because the mall did not inform us in advance, and there is no notice of closing the store until today", a merchant who has not withdrawn yet told us.

Due to the rush of time and the large number of goods, many merchants failed to complete the withdrawal work within the specified time. "First, we have no place to go, and second, such a large amount of biz for sale, it also takes time to deal with it. There is no time for sample processing, and there is no time to re-select the location and re-decorate." Merchants believe that the temporary notice of the termination of the contract and the request to withdraw from the site made them suffer great losses.

The reporter then went to the office to ask, and the staff said that the Jinan Beiyuan store of Juran home was a rental mall. The original notice was that all goods and personnel moved out of the cooler house before July 31. At present, many merchants are packing the goods and preparing to withdraw, and the merchants who have not moved out will be given time.

According to a notice provided by insiders, due to serious losses caused by the epidemic, after the group's careful decision, jueran home Jinan Beiyuan store officially stopped operation on July 31, 2022.

In the past, the transaction can be jointly provided by Juran home and the merchant by virtue of the sales contract of Juran home. After that, the transaction between the customer and the merchant is the responsibility of each merchant, and the merchant provides after-sales service.


On August 22, 2009, the north garden store of Juran home was fully dressed and opened. After taking over the north garden store of Red Star Macalline in February, Juran home spent tens of millions of yuan to redecorate the north garden store on June 12.

According to media reports, the hardware facilities of Juran home at that time were fully upgraded, the category was expanded, and the brand was more optimized. It truly realized home decoration, building materials, furniture, home furnishings, A new pattern of modern experiential home shopping malls with one-stop purchase of home appliances and other home products.

The market is changing, under the current market situation, the stores are also unsustainable. The massive expansion of the previous few years has laid hidden dangers for the collapse this year. I hope that Juran home can properly handle the after-sales problems of merchants and consumers, and do not cause consumer disputes because of the closure of the store.