Compared with Learning to Catch up and Compete for Excellence | Janus's Monthly Production and Sales Meeting and Commendation Meeting in July Was Successfully Held

from:Network date:2022-08-10 reading:1239

On August 9, the monthly production and sales meeting and commendation meeting of Janus in July was successfully held. The meeting summarized the production and sales in July and commended the outstanding employees in July.

This selection of "excellent employees of the month" has passed many links such as departmental selection and democratic voting. The brand Department Chen Guanghui, the quality department Xiao Yujian, the glass workshop Wei Wenze, Pingkai push-pull workshop Yao Dun Xiang, liu Chuanhong, Zhou Jiashan, packaging workshop and other 6 outstanding people stood out.

General Manager Liang said that with the joint efforts of all Janas, the company achieved good results beyond the development of the industry in the first half of the year. In the post-epidemic era, it is an indisputable fact that the growth rate of domestic door and window industry has slowed down, but there is always a simple image. Such excellent brands as NAS fly against the trend. For example, the new exhibition hall of the headquarters, which has been renovated and completed by huge sums of money, and the brand image of the fourth generation SI has been newly unveiled at the construction expo, which has driven the upsurge of reloading old stores and joining new merchants to build stores nationwide; for example, the distributor Summit and the release of the "weatherproof doors and windows white paper" will fully exert the market segmentation of "weatherproof doors and windows; for example, the company's new automatic sawing equipment is being installed and debugged and will be officially put into production in September, which will ensure the quality and shorten the product delivery cycle.

It has always been Janus's growing password for 11 consecutive years to march forward bravely and be strong when encountering strength. Mr. Liang called on all the staff to make persistent efforts, learn from excellence, say nothing after doing it, do more and say less, and strive pragmatically to sprint the sales target in the second half of the year.

Executive director Liang Jinying announced the list of excellent show employees in July

Liang Jinrui, general manager of marketing, presented awards to outstanding employees, and encouraged employees to catch up with and surpass their learning and sprint for annual goals.