163 Home Furnishing Companies Have Been Punished for Violations since July.

from:Network date:2021-08-04 reading:1189

In July, 163 home furnishing companies were punished for violations.

According to statistics, 163 companies have been punished for violations since July this year Shenzhen and Shanghai stock market. Among them, on July 23, the CSRC reported the investigation progress of stock price manipulation cases such as "Zhongyuan household" and "Litong electronics", and said that it must be severely cracked down. In this regard, market participants said that this has a great negative impact on some companies that are in the name of market value management and actually operate stock prices.

(Image Source: creative, invasion and deletion)

judging from the violation, these 163 companies failed to perform other duties according to law due to inaccurate or untimely performance prediction results, false or seriously misleading information disclosure, the relevant penalties issued by the CSRC, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchange, the ecological environment department, the CBRC, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission and other handlers for failing to disclose the company's major events in a timely manner.

Among them, 54 companies were fined for violations, and the penalty range ranged from 30000 yuan to 114.5 million yuan. The types of violations include: failure to disclose major matters of the company in a timely manner, inaccurate or untimely performance prediction results, false or seriously misleading statements of information disclosure or other issues; The penalties issued involve fines, warnings, order correction and administrative punishment.

In terms of individual stocks, on July 23, the CSRC reported the investigation progress of stock price manipulation cases such as "Zhongyuan household" and "Litong Electronics. According to the notification, after investigation, from September 2020to may 2021, Shi and other manipulation gangs controlled dozens of securities accounts through continuous transactions, the stock price of "Zhongyuan household" and "Litong electronics" was raised by illegal methods such as inverted, with a transaction amount of more than 3 billion yuan. The relevant acts have reached the standard of criminal prosecution and are suspected of constituting a crime of manipulating the market.

"The company, the controlling shareholder, the actual controller, and Dong jianao have no direct relationship with the stock price manipulation case reported by the CSRC recently and have not participated in it. Shi and others mentioned in the Bulletin do not involve the actual controller of the company and Dong Jiangao." In response to this, Zhongyuan household securities department said: "Subsequent companies and relevant parties will always abide by securities laws and regulations, do their main business well, actively support the work of relevant departments such as CSRC, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of investors."

what needs to be mentioned is that there are many subjects involved in market manipulation and insider trading, the illegal chain is long, the harmful consequences are heavy, and the means are hidden, which is misleading to investors and destructive to the market trading order.

In response to the case of stock price manipulation of listed companies, the CSRC said that market manipulation seriously damaged the principle of "three public companies" in the market and seriously violated the legitimate rights and interests of investors, which must be severely cracked down. With regard to the situation of manipulating the market, the CSRC further strengthened the comprehensive analysis and judgment of clues, strengthened the cooperation of administrative criminal law enforcement, resolutely found together, investigated and dealt with together strictly and quickly according to law, and resolutely transferred to the public security organs if suspected of crimes.

Since 2020, the CSRC has initiated 90 investigations of market manipulation cases and 160 insider trading cases according to law, accounting for 52% of the new cases in the same period. It has imposed 176 administrative penalties on market manipulation and insider trading cases, the total penalty amount exceeded 5 billion yuan; 41 clues of suspected market manipulation crime cases and 123 insider transactions were transferred to public security organs, accounting for 76% of the total transfer cases and 330 suspects.

In this regard, Sun Zheng, an analyst at China Development Bank Securities, said: "The news has a great negative impact on some listed companies that actually operate stock prices in the name of market value management, some companies with relevant suspicion were sold by investors."

(Article Source: Pan home headlines-public number, invasion and deletion)