Master Wan Started the Master Festival to Make Home Service Professional Warm

from:Network date:2021-08-04 reading:1178

Master Wan started the master festival to make home service professional warm

recently, the reporter noticed that the microblog platform often expressed gratitude to the master and shared the story of the master. After some understanding, it turned out to be a hot spot triggered by the "8 · 3 Master Festival.

#8 · 3 Master's day# has even become a popular topic on Weibo, with a total reading volume of more than 62 million and discussion volume of 500000. The reporter learned from the microblog data of previous years that every master's day, thousands of stories shared by masters from all over the country will emerge on the microblog platform, as well as some documentaries recording "master's life, the playback volume is up to tens of millions.


(Image Source: Tencent home, invasion and deletion)

in addition, the reporter learned from the nursing homes in Xinjiang, Jiangxi, Anhui and other places that every year near the Teachers' Day, local masters will organize and carry out public welfare activities spontaneously, actively respond to the public welfare theme of 8.3 master's day, visit the local elderly, and carry out voluntary maintenance for the nursing home.

It turns out that this "teacher" is not another "teacher". The master refers not to the teacher, but to all groups of craftsmen with professional skills. It is reported that the "August 3 Master Festival" was launched by Master Wan platform on August 3, 2015. The original intention was to "define a festival in the name of master", and take this opportunity to express blessings and gratitude to the master groups in various industries, so that more people can know the master Group and more excellent masters can be known by people.

Master Wan platform said that the significance of master festival is not only to pay tribute to those masters who silently dedicate themselves in ordinary positions. We hope that this festival can be popularized to make everyone feel the craftsman spirit as a traditional culture and have more understanding and respect for the group of Masters.

The reporter learned that Master Wan platform will shoot documentaries every year for the after-sales masters who struggle in the front line, recording their hard-working figures and inspiring deeds to expand the social influence of the Master Group, improve social awareness. At present, passing the "8 · 3 Master festival" has become the social consensus of the blue collar group. However, the popularity of this festival still needs time.

On December 10 last year, General Secretary Xi sent a letter to congratulate the holding of the first national vocational skills competition, emphasizing "vigorously promoting the spirit of Labor model workers, labor spirit and craftsman spirit" and "cultivating more highly skilled talents and craftsmen from big countries".

The establishment of master's day is a powerful response to the policy of "respecting labor and talents" advocated by the construction of today's socialist society. As General Secretary Xi said, the development of The Times needs craftsmen from big countries. The seemingly inconspicuous blue-collar group is using its own strength to build the motherland and give back to the society. Invisible pay, visible professional. They deserve respect. In the future, I hope teachers from all walks of life can gradually gain social recognition and respect through this festival.

(Article Source: Tencent home, invasion and deletion)