Congratulations on the Grand Opening of the Flagship Store in Fengqing Fortune Tree, Yunnan

from:Network date:2022-08-22 reading:1300

The Mid-Autumn Festival is the most beautiful, and the wine is fragrant from Xuanyuan. In this fruitful autumn season, we sincerely celebrate the grand opening of Fengqing fortune tree flagship store on August 20 at this auspicious and happy moment.

Mr. Deng Shusheng, chairman of the Fortune Tree Group, attended the scene to express his congratulations. He said that under the condition of strict control of the epidemic and under the influence of the domestic and foreign environment, our fortune tree Group opened another flagship store in August, golden autumn, indicating that we have fortune tree people, only by insisting, only by believing in ourselves, our fortune Tree brand, and our deep plough courage to open up the market can we grab our own cake. Fengqing fortune Tree opened its flagship store, once again, we have witnessed the inevitable result of hard work. There is no deserted market. Only the cold and self-abandoned thought can we not bow in front of difficulties and firmly believe that we can go further, only through unremitting efforts can we grab more markets. Some people think that success is the market. In fact, success is giving and Wolf Road. Only dare to rob and fight can success.

The flagship store team of Fengqing fortune tree, led by Mr. Zhao, faced difficulties in the past 40 days and made unremitting efforts to visit customers in person through demand information, introduce products, invite customers to the store to explain, again and again bye visit, measure gauge, budget, find relationships... don't give up every resource until the order is signed successfully.

Scan every store in the city on a single page to collect and sort out resources: dig deep into customers among market Alliance brands, integrate and apply their own contractor relationship resources, promote and assist relatives and friends, dig and expand the resources of old customers, and apply all resources, we will do our best for every order and every customer.

The peripheral business continued to act in the village customer's home until early morning every day, driving nearly 70 kilometers for the customer, running through the corridor of the community for the customer's transaction, walking streets and lanes for the customer's transaction, connect customer transaction calls hundreds of times...... Behind success is the accumulation of little by little, and behind success is the crystallization of sweat watering.

Pass Fengqing fortune tree flagship store team with unremitting efforts, the opening site was very popular. A total of 53 orders were signed on site and a deposit of 390000 yuan was charged (the total order value was about 980000). The cost will be recovered upon successful opening.