Malaysia's Jipai Timber Industry Faces Huge Losses

from:Network date:2021-08-04 reading:1329

Malaysia's jipai timber industry faces huge losses

during the outbreak in Malaysia, the blockade affected the logging business, thus the income of gittoku was affected. Since logging is not allowed, Jidawa said that the income of the timber sector would lose about 5 million ringgit a day. Jidai prefecture is located on the horse and Thailand border in the northwest of Malaysia (Malay Peninsula).

According to some operators, the logging industry, which was listed as a non-essential industry during the blockade, is on the verge of collapse. Wood Industry is an important contributor to the state's economy in Jidai state, and woodworkers and wood products manufacturers are angry that they have to bear huge financial losses. Amin Mokhtar, chairman of the Gitta Timber Association, said that the month-long blockade had caused a cumulative loss of 1.8 billion ringgit.

(Image Source: creative, invasion and deletion)

(Article Source: Wood Kingdom, invasion and deletion)