The Transformation of Digital Intelligence Is the Only Way to Develop | Fuxuan's Doors and Windows Attend Sohu Focus Home Dialogue Salon

from:Network date:2022-08-22 reading:1246

With the rapid development of industry 4.0, digital intelligence is the future development trend of the industry and the way for enterprises to upgrade. Head home enterprises have begun to layout and fully digital transformation. Digital transformation and upgrading has become an important way to resolve the household industry fatigue, stabilize the market and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.

On August 16, a dialogue salon hosted by Sohu Focus home with the theme of "accelerating the transformation of doors and windows to create brand core advantages" was successfully held in Guangzhou Louvre Art Center. Weng Zhenhui, general manager of fuxuan's door and window marketing, attended the event and discussed with the guests how to accelerate the transformation to intelligence and digitalization and build the core competitive advantage of the enterprise?

Fuxuan doors and windows of the whole house have been deeply cultivated in the door and window industry for 20 years. Weng is generally called the wave of digital upgrading, which is more an opportunity for the door and window industry. Digitalization enables enterprises to understand consumers better. Through the analysis of a large number of market consumption data, enterprises can obtain accurate crowd portraits. In addition, through the connection between front-end and back-end digital systems, work efficiency can be effectively improved, provide consumers with better quality assurance and service experience.

Fuxuan's doors and windows have been exploring digital upgrading. First of all, our research and development team must systematically study the data of the national consumer market and specialty stores before conducting product research and development, get accurate portraits of target consumer groups, and develop suitable products according to the needs of different regions; At the marketing level, we also actively embrace young consumer groups, through the new media matrix, integrating offline and offline channels, empowering customers and transformation through digital marketing; In terms of production, in addition to the introduction of intelligent manufacturing equipment and the commissioning of intelligent production lines, we have accelerated our cooperation with digital software companies and accelerated the formation of front-end digital integration systems.

Secondly, from the aspects of boss, decision-maker, manager and execution, everyone should be the same. Secondly, make all-round preparations. Digital upgrading is a challenge and innovation for enterprises to improve and improve. Once problems occur, it will waste a lot of time and management costs.

When enterprises carry out digital upgrading, Weng always thinks that they should start from the part they are good at, and then break through one link and one link, instead of going to several systems at once. The upgrade of digitalization is a trend that we cannot avoid. Therefore, we must correct our mentality and embrace the trend. Only in this way can we correctly understand digitalization and bring some changes to the industry, brands, teams and ourselves.

In 2022, the door and window industry still has both opportunities and challenges! In September, the "double exhibition at the same time, great exhibition skills" will be ushered in. 2022 China Construction Expo (Shanghai) and the 50th China Home Expo (Shanghai), fuxuan's doors and windows are thick and thin, and the momentum is as high as a rainbow, always prepare for this new blue sea battle!