Senpu Doors and Windows × Guangzhou Design Week | "40 Standing" Zhejiang List Launch Ceremony and City List Thought Will Be Successfully Launched!

from:Network date:2022-08-22 reading:1311

On August 19, 40 UNDER 40 China (Zhejiang) outstanding design youth (2022-2023) sponsored by Guangzhou Design Week, Jiangnan famous teachers, Red Star Macalline, and senpu doors and windows the launch ceremony and city list thought meeting was held in the Red Star Macalline Zhejiang Supreme MALL.

The activity focuses on architectural design, cut into the home decoration industry, and jointly explore the deep meaning of design.

Guests present

Dialogue Design

At the meeting, Mr. Chi Chen Ping and Mr. Wu Zhenbao took the actual design project as an example to share their own design thinking and put forward opinions for designers based on practical experience.

At the same time, it was carried out by four designers: Zhang Yu, Zhu Xiaochen, Gao Wei and Wu Yu. The secret of growth 」 the topic conversation.

△Chi Chen Ping's explanation works

Mr. Chi Chen Ping said, empty the space changes with the age of the occupants, and reshaping the space with the feelings of the occupants is the basic accomplishment of the designer..

Senpu doors and windows focus on the research and development and design of doors and windows. According to The Age characteristics of users, they provide personalized doors and windows products to fully meet the needs of users and bring the most perfect home decoration design experience to users and designers.

△Wu Zhenbao's works

Mr. Wu Zhenbao said, space design needs to fully consider various states such as ventilation and lighting, so as to be close to nature and return the space to the origin of residence..

Senpu doors and windows architectural Environment to provide users with professional testing, installation and other services, accurately adapt to the natural environment, and create a comfortable living space.

△Senpu doors and windows floor reality images

Mr. Lin Yinlong, senpu doors and windows, thinks, design is not only to optimize spatial vision, but also to solve people's living needs..

Senpu doors and windows take "opening a good life" as the core value, "quality made beautiful, creating value" as the Enterprise tenet, integrate whole architecture design, make functions and aesthetics, and customize products based on system value, create a better quality life for users.

Thirty, 40 UNDER 40 」. In the future, senpu doors and windows will continue to devote themselves to the Fine research of doors and windows products, opening up a quality living life for users in the new era.