Secret Fraud! Zhimei International Home Volume 12 Million Runs Away!

from:Network date:2022-08-25 reading:1603

After the disappearance of a number of "unified international home furnishing" closed bosses across the country, many consumers gathered in Qingdao, Shandong province recently to protect home furnishing rights from Qingdao to the United States. It is understood that, qingdao to the United States international was "unified international home" before it was renamed ".

At present, the store has been closed, the boss has lost contact, and the employee's salary has not been settled. A staff member of the consumer protection section of the Shibei District in Qingdao market supervision administration said: "Roughly calculated, there are about 260 owners affected so far, the amount involved has reached more than 1,200 million yuan.""

Since January 2021, "Shaoxing unified home running", Nanchang, Fuzhou, Hangzhou, Nanning, Taiyuan, Lanzhou, Wuhan, Ningbo, etc. Dozens of "unified home" stores across the country announced their closure "without warning", and thousands of citizens across the country suffered losses. According to incomplete statistics, there are nearly a thousand cheated consumers in six cities, such as Jinan and Qingdao, a province in Shandong, and the contract amount reaches more than 50 million yuan.

Weibo netizen xishuiquan 123 " the specific operation process of the issue exposed the "unified international home running case" scam:

in recent years, a group of unscrupulous businessmen have used frequent policy loopholes to register and cancel a batch of "small companies" with registered capital of about 100000 yuan while enjoying the financial support given by the state to "small and micro enterprises, welfare policies such as tax reduction and exemption are engaged in fraud against consumers.

Next, let's talk about the specific operation process of the unified home fraud:

1. Set up a "Beijing Bohang unified decoration material company" with a registered capital of tens of millions in Beijing, and declared "unified international home furnishing group headquarters".

2. Set up more than 50 "XX (location) XX unified decoration material company" with registered capital of about 100,000 in the second and third tier cities in China, such as Jinan Haorui unified decoration material company and Taiyuan Bohang unified decoration material company. These companies are all identified as "small and micro enterprises", and the backbone of the gang is the shareholder and financial (actual controller) of each company, and they are engaged in the sales of customized home and high-end furniture under the banner of unified international home furnishing group Direct stores.

3. Use the excuses of Festival celebration, store celebration and 22th anniversary of the group to make big promotions. Low-price sales of high-end furniture; Purchase price sales between model rooms in the community; On-site signing of regional directors; Completion of task base price processing at the end of the year and other reasons to lure consumers to sign full-amount purchase contracts.

4. When introducing products, unified international sales personnel are collectively referred to as "unified international home furnishing group" direct-operated enterprises, and all furniture is self-produced and self-sold, so the quality is absolutely guaranteed. Afterwards, I learned from the salary-seeking staff of the company that the furniture products sold by the company were all processed by Guangdong OEM factory after payment.

5. All contract sales funds of unified household do not issue invoices or enter the company, but lure consumers to transfer funds directly to other enterprise accounts controlled by the headquarters or personal accounts of shareholders. Unified international home furnishing group transfers hundreds of millions of yuan in this way, and the amount of tax evasion is huge. At the same time, he used the hat of "small and micro" to evade the supervision and legal sanctions of government agencies.

6. Refuse to perform the contract for reasons such as incomplete completion of the manufacturer, accidents on the delivery Road, epidemic closure, warehouse road construction, etc. Consumers offered refunds, and the company refused for reasons such as the absence of leaders, tight funds, and procedures. Even if the market supervision bureau and the consumer association came forward, the company was delayed.

7. Local companies default some employees' salaries for various reasons to lay the groundwork for subsequent actions.

8. When the contract payment of the company has accumulated a certain amount, the unpaid employees are encouraged to contact the deceived consumers in the name of the company's running, encouraging consumers to call the police, block the door and close the store, creating panic in a large area.

9. The company's "legal representative" came forward to negotiate with the deceived consumers, claiming that the capital chain was broken and there was no money to place an order for the factory to pick up the goods, and all consumers' contracts could not be completed. As a "small and micro enterprise" with a registered capital of 100000, all the funds of the company must first repay the arrears of employees. As for the consumers who have signed the contract, they can only use store samples and warehouse inventory to pay for the goods, all kinds of rhetoric encouraged consumers to arrive at the goods, and even people who claimed to be "shop assistants" and "lawyers" fanned the flames in the consumer rights protection group and encouraged everyone to arrive at the goods quickly. Most deceived consumers can only choose inventory samples to arrive at the goods for tens of thousands of identical items, while other consumers who refuse to arrive at the goods have no way to complain.

The problem is that if the chain of funds is really broken due to poor management, the company's furniture factory has no funds to order, and so many ready-made furniture can be credited to consumers.

With the cloak of "small and micro enterprises" and the banner of capital chain breaking, a series of behaviors of unified home furnishing group have not attracted enough attention from local government agencies after being reported by consumers, treated as a very small case, the consumer associations in various places cannot be managed, the market supervision bureau can only coordinate, the economic investigation department cannot file a case according to the fraud, and the media in various places have not reported actively. As a result, this group of swindlers has been at large, disturbing the market order, making more and more consumers cheated everywhere and accumulating negative emotions, seriously affecting the stable development of the society.

In this article, I would like to appeal to leaders at all levels to attach importance to such fraud methods under the cloak of "small and micro enterprises", to repeatedly block legal loopholes, to strengthen market supervision, and to severely punish tax evasion. End this at the same time