2022 "Quality Doors and Windows Help a Better Life" Discovery Tour, Walking into Roland Sini System Doors and Windows

from:Network date:2022-08-27 reading:1290

On August 25, Sina home and family jointly opened the Discovery tour of "2022 quality doors and windows help a better life" with Guangdong door and window Association. They walked into Roland Sini system doors and windows, went deep into the production and manufacturing links of doors and windows, and tasted the new trend of doors and windows, discuss the current situation and prospect of the industry and gain insight into the new trend of industry development.

The visiting group includes: Ms. Ye lingju, general manager of the Department of doors and windows, chief editor of Sina home furnishing industry, Mr. Lin Cheng, secretary general of Guangdong doors and windows Association and other professionals. Mr. Xiong Zhibin, chairman of Roland Sini system doors and windows, Mr. Tian Yi, general manager of marketing center and other company executives received and accompanied the exhibition hall.

Roland Sini system doors and windows combine aesthetic design with pragmatism, which is not only perfectly interpreted on each product, but also fully presented in the exhibition hall space. The whole exhibition hall restores the living space of "home" with a scene layout and constructs a contemporary immersive experience place. After visiting the exhibition hall, the visiting group was amazed at the doors and windows of Roland Sini system.

As a brand of high-end doors and windows, Roland Sini system doors and windows insist on driving the brand upward with quality. The visiting group visited the doors and windows of Roland Sini system. The two sides had all-round and multi-level in-depth discussions and exchanges on the prospects of the door and window industry, the current market situation, brand development and other aspects.

Roland Sini system doors and windows took the lead in realizing the leapfrog upgrade of system doors and windows 1.0 to 2.0, boosting the high-quality development of the industry. Looking forward to the future, Roland Sini system doors and windows will continuously iteratively upgrade products, improve service levels, and make the best doors and windows, providing users with comprehensive life solutions to improve living space.