Nanshan Aluminum Staff Group Building Activities Are Interesting

from:Network date:2022-08-29 reading:1369

At 8:00 a.m. on August 27, a hiking group composed of Nanshan Vocational and Technical School and Nanshan Aluminum cadres gathered happily in the ticket checking square of Nanshan scenic spot. This activity adopts the way of competition and cooperation throughout the whole process, and completes the final task through visiting tourist attractions, punching in on foot, entering customs together, and coordinating painting.

In the loud voice of the team, the team hiking activity officially began. The contestants set out from the ticket checking Square and walked along the road of the scenic spot, enjoying the grass and trees in the scenic spot and breathing the high-quality air rich in negative oxygen ions. The players were energetic one by one, filled with laughter and laughter along the way, enjoying the fun brought by hiking.

At the foot of the Great Buddha, the members of the hiking group joined hands with each other to pick up the steps and jointly challenge to complete the task, reaching the top of the steps; In the folk culture park, there are carefully hidden treasures in the scenic spot, and the team members carefully seek treasure when visiting, won the surprise gift prepared by the scenic spot.

In the music of "deep Mountain Buddhist temple", tai chi performers dance lightly and gurgle leisurely, showing a healthy and detached ideal state. Many hikers spontaneously followed the teacher to practice the performance, feel the charm of Chinese traditional culture, and feel the highly harmonious unity between man and nature.

When arriving near the cool Pavilion of Folk Culture Park, the green water and green mountains and pavilions will give the personality a leisurely and free experience. The sound of guzheng played slowly, and the Zen dance fluttered. The team members felt the picturesque scenery and quiet. They exchanged one or two with the guzheng teacher. Many team members received the surprise silk pouch from the guzheng teacher.

When he boarded the celebration Palace, the members stood on the top of the mountain and shouted out the slogan of his team in unison. The staff distributed a corresponding number of prizes in the scenic spot according to the data of the decibel tester.

In Huayan world, the scenic spot has already prepared a giant spraying cloth. Members of the team have a reasonable division of labor. Through the steps of coloring, color mixing, splicing, etc., they have completed the creation of giant paintings belonging to the team, and finally presented a shocking effect of giant paintings, it shows the collective strength of each company team.

After the activity, the healthy culture town prepared a sumptuous Nanshan special food for everyone, which made the delicious happy food accelerate the energy of the tired body.

This hiking activity allows everyone to relax their body and mind, enhance their physique, and effectively enhance the mobility and cohesion of cadres and employees, further encourage cadres and employees to devote themselves to their work with a more full spirit, and fully promote the successful realization of the company's various work objectives.