The Whole City's Attention | Warm Congratulations on the Grand Opening of the Old-Fashioned, Not Bad, Doors and Windows Ya'an Store

from:Network date:2022-08-31 reading:1370

In Ya'an at the end of August, early autumn has arrived, but the enthusiasm for summer has not decreased at all. On August 27, the old guy was not bad at the grand opening ceremony of Ya'an store. The popularity of the site was booming and the climax of the activity continued, adding a hot stroke to this vibrant city.

Full guests · witness ceremony completed

The light focused on the stage, and the ribbon-cutting guests came to the stage in turn to cut the ribbon for the opening of the Laodao Ya'an store. The guests are looking forward to the grand opening on fireworks display!

Opening promotion · leading the market boom

The number of people continued to rise on the opening day. In addition to the preferential product prices and wonderful performances for consumers, there were smashing golden eggs with luxury gifts benefits. The event site was very hot, after knowing the products and services of Laodao's doors and windows, many customers expressed their full recognition and recognition, and successfully signed orders one after another.

The successful holding of this opening event has formed a good momentum for the spread of local brands of Laodao's doors and windows, and also laid a solid foundation for the future operation of Ya'an stores.

Quality doors and windows · interpretation of space aesthetics

The space design of Ya'an store is simple and elegant, and the Light sense and lines reflect each other, which shows the unique aesthetic pursuit of space by the old, not bad, doors and windows.

After years of accumulation and exploration of users' aesthetic needs and living pain points, the old man is not bad at using high-standard door and window quality for doors and windows and the product performance centered on "Super Safety, open the era of customization of ultra-safe doors and windows, bringing different user experience.

Service empowerment · strive to be an industry benchmark

With the continuous development of the market, the service power of the product becomes more and more important. The focus of consumers' purchase is not only the product itself, but also the service of the product.

In 2022, the old man was not bad at doors and windows launched the "5S standard delivery" service system, which uses 33 processes and standardized operations to create a measure gauge installation service for doors and windows that makes users feel at ease, let users really get the double quality experience of products and services.

23 years of exploration and progress, the old man is not bad, doors and windows continue to create surprises for users, continue to empower the industry. The grand opening of Ya'an store will pass high quality of system doors and windows products, provide one-stop high-end door and window customization solution for Ya'an owners, inject new vitality into Ya'an city.

Finally, congratulations to the old man on the opening of Ya'an store, the customers are rolling and the business is booming!