Gordon Speaker | the Second Gordon Speaker Activity Was Successfully Held

from:Network date:2022-09-02 reading:1227

The argument of one word is more important than the treasure of Jiuding;

the three-inch tongue-persuading, stronger than millions of teachers.

The power of discourse and the charm of speech cannot be underestimated all the time.

On August 31, the second Gorden orator activity was held as scheduled. Since Gao Deng was founded 37 years ago, he has always adhered to the team view of "loving each other and a family, and growing together with honor and disgrace". Therefore, this activity takes "I grow together with Gao Deng" as its theme, it aims to share the positive energy of Gao Deng's family growth, spread Gao Deng's truth, goodness and beauty, and imagine Gao Deng's bright future.

Ms. Li Yi, executive president of Guangdong gaodeng aluminum group, often said: "gaodeng now has nearly 3,000 employees, with an average age of 33. With the company's ups and downs, there are countless family members in the past two or thirty years. In the past two years, it has absorbed more than 00 years and injected more fresh blood into the company's continuous development. I always look forward to making more people learn, progress and grow in the big family of Gordon, shining in every activity, shining and heating in every position, becoming a beam of light, light up everyone around you!"

At the scene of the competition, all young players talked about their feelings about youth struggle and responsibility with high morale, pragmatic feelings and simple language in combination with their own work practice, tell us that the current era is the best era, keep loving and go to the mountains and seas.

Player style

Player style

Speech or passionate, high-pitched, or low-pitched chant, they praise the youth without regret and enthusiasm, and express the responsibility and dedication of work. They were full of emotion and true feelings, which infected every judge and audience present.

Award list

after fierce chase, the GAO Deng jury scored the title, third place and second place according to the participants' speech content, speech skills, speech effect and instrument image. One each and five outstanding awards.










As the founder of Gordon's characteristic culture, Mr. Gao Zhenzhong, the president of the group, commented carefully on the performance of the contestants in his final summary speech, and sighed with emotion: I heard the story of everyone's growth in Gordon from my speech. In fact, I also saw everyone's growth in my work and felt gratified for it. Life, or work, it is impossible to do everything according to our expectations. If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. Thank you for choosing Trust and persistence instead of backing down when facing difficulties and scolding.

"Making contributions to the progress and development of human society while satisfying the material and spiritual happiness of all Gao Deng's families" is Gao Deng's business philosophy that he always adheres. In the future, Gao Deng must stick to his original heart and walk with the times.

The home movement was successfully held! Live

Youth you must imagine that life has ideals. Gao Deng, dare to say, dare to take responsibility!