Quality Sublimation Month Manufacturing System Upgrade Start | Wiassen and BOLI Consulting Reach Strategic Cooperation!

from:Network date:2022-09-02 reading:1224

On August this year, wiassen's doors and windows took many measures together, closely focusing on the theme of "quality sublimation month", a series of activities such as skills training, knowledge competition, theme essay and so on were organized and carried out, in order to further implement quality improvement actions and strengthen the quality management of all employees, the whole process and all-round.

August 31, 2022 on Sunday, Guangdong Weisen home furnishing Technology Co., Ltd. and Foshan Boli Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as boli Consulting) formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement in the conference room of Weisen contemporary door and window art museum.

Zhang Weiping, founder and chairman of weiyassen doors and windows brand, and general manager of weiyassen doors and windows manager Jiang bo, li Zhengming, vice president of manufacturing center, vice President of Service Center Yan Junfeng, vice president of supply chain Center Wen Gongbing, chief financial officer Bai Yuanrong, chairman of Boli consulting Li Pingjian with a group of leaders to attend this signing ceremony.

Boli Consulting we are committed to providing systematic production and manufacturing solutions for enterprises, providing consulting services for many head enterprises in doors and windows and home building materials industries, and supporting have rich project experience.

Zhang Weiping, founder and chairman of weiyassen door and window brand, pointed out that the upgrading and upgrading of products are accelerating and it is imperative to comprehensively promote the reform of production management system.

Under the standard of "high quality, high efficiency and sustainability", through the introduction of advanced production equipment and scientific and systematic management methods, the technological level can be further optimized and the product quality can be improved, seize the "commanding heights" with "high quality" to provide distributors with products with more competitive advantages, to provide consumers with more professional, more energy-saving and safer energy-saving system doors and windows solutions.

Li Ping, chairman of Boli Consulting sword he said that both sides have excellent cooperation foundation in business field and Team background. Boli consulting general through systematic production and manufacturing solutions and practical improvement solutions, we can help enterprises improve their production and manufacturing strength and enhance their competitiveness.

At the signing ceremony, Zhang Weiping, founder and chairman of weiyassen doors and windows brand, and Li Pingjian, chairman of Boli Consulting, reached a high recognition and consensus on this cooperation. It is believed that with the joint efforts of both sides to continuously expand the level of cooperation and coordinate with each other, this strategic cooperation will surely produce fruitful results and bring better changes to wiassen.

On August this year, weiassen doors and windows officially held the launch meeting of "quality sublimation month" in 2022 to conduct all-round general mobilization at the strategic level of the enterprise.

This strategic cooperation will continue to exert deep efforts in the fields of product quality, production cycle, production efficiency and so on, and enhance the comprehensive strength of wiassen doors and windows enterprises. Following the "quality sublimation month", we will once again vigorously promote the upgrading of manufacturing systems and create more value for consumers, suppliers, distributors and other partners.

Sign about is the starting point of cooperation, I sincerely wish this strategic cooperation a smooth, effective and successful completion, in the future, both sides can take this opportunity to share the same goal and the same strength., jointly create a new situation of high quality and sustainable development in Weiya Sen!