Door and Window Installation | How to Sign the Door and Window Installation Contract to Standardize? What Should We Pay Attention?

from:Network date:2022-09-03 reading:2048

"Three-point installation of seven-point products for doors and windows", as a customized product, the installation of doors and windows is a very important link.

However, the installation is not a real thing, so it is difficult to see it as a reality, and human factors have a great influence. Therefore, it is very difficult for consumers to inspect "the installation of this merchant is unreliable" when purchasing door and window products.

In view of this, Xiaozhi will open a new "door and window installation" topic in the near future, which will be used for "science popularization" home decoration door and window installation process, auxiliary materials accessories, key points of investigation, attention to details, etc.

This article is part four

the content is the contract experience and summary of doors and windows.

01 preface

1. Why should I sign a door and window contract?

Doors and windows are customized products, and the product configuration needs to be selected by consumers themselves. From production and transportation to installation and after-sales, labor factors have a great influence. At the same time, door and window products have large orders and low purchase frequency, which are relatively lack of standards and supervision.

Therefore, it is best to agree carefully in advance and use the contract to effectively restrict it.

2. How to understand the contract content?

Ask the merchant directly for the contract template or the contract signed by the previous customer.

Oral agreement, or hand drawing paper, the terms are not clear, it is easy to encounter problems afterwards, and the contract specifications and terms are not "Overlord" merchants can add points.

02 what does the door and window contract look like?

See doors and windows from windows for the contract content of this article.

03 what is the best content in the contract?

1. Product purchase details

Product details in the contract or its attachments, important include product brand name, product series (specifications), window type, color, size (and area), Glass hardware configuration and other supply chain material specifications (insulation strip, adhesive strip, etc.), other additional or auxiliary materials accessories information.

This is used as the basis of product information. In this way, when problems such as wrong delivery, wrong size, fake and shoddy (selling dog meat) are encountered, there can be evidence.

2. Price

The contract should reflect the price and total price of each material in the above "product purchase details. Also want clear payment method, and whether the price has been fully included (whether there are any additional items in the future).

As for the payment method, consumers had better win "September 1" and "May 1st" for themselves (10% or more of the balance will be settled after the installation and acceptance of doors and windows), this can effectively avoid installation problems and shirking responsibility.

Regarding the total price, ask the merchant clearly "is it the final price? If there are other additional items, please make it clear first? Is there any charge for transportation, installation, auxiliary materials accessories (square tube, sealant), etc? 」, Avoid subsequent situations such as unclear prices and starting prices.

3. Final drawing/solution

The design drawing (door and window scheme) is an important contract attachment and a supplement to the product purchase details. It can present the door and window styles (including installation location, separation style, window type, opening method, handle height, window color and other information), the merchant will deliver this drawing to the factory for production, and the installer will assemble it according to the drawing (for combination windows).

Good design drawings can improve communication efficiency and make consumers know the products they buy clearly.

Confirm the design drawings clearly, which can effectively avoid problems such as wrong size, production errors (such as window type, opening position, etc.), installation errors, etc.

△ drawing 1

△ drawing 2

4. Construction period

If the home decoration is in a hurry, or the door and window order is a little late, you can focus on the time limit.

Generally speaking, the time from placing an order to installing custom doors and windows is about 20 - 50 days.

Determine the approximate construction period with the merchant in advance, and it is best to agree on a deadline limit, such as a one-day delay of 1%.

5. Installation terms

(1) when purchasing, you should know the construction level, installation acceptance criteria, auxiliary materials materials, etc. of the merchant in advance, and emphasize when signing the contract, and at the same time drop the words as the basis.

(2) understand and agree on some installation details that are easy to prevaricate in advance, such as ① who will do the old work of doors and windows, and whether to charge; ② who will do the handling and waterproofing of the openings, and whether to charge; ③ garbage removal, who will do product protection after installation, etc.

6. Installation Safety

There are risks in the construction of doors and windows. Safety issues should be emphasized in the contract. For example, when building sunshine rooms and outdoor gluing of doors and windows, installation personnel should tie safety devices.

At the same time, it is best clear responsibility, that is to say, if there is a safety accident in the installation of doors and windows, the construction unit shall be solely responsible for the safety accident caused by non-consumers or third parties, and Party A shall not be responsible for it 」.

7. Acceptance terms

Same as the fifth point installation, understand before purchasing "Whether the merchant has Acceptance Service, what is the acceptance standard, and what is the solution that does not meet the acceptance 」 after that, write down the words in the contract as the basis.

8. Warranty and after-sales

The contract should also indicate the warranty scope, warranty period and charging situation of door and window products (depending on the merchants and products).

The warranty scope generally includes the quality of the product itself, installation problems (leakage of doors and windows, damage and aging of materials, etc.), product use problems (lax sealing, inconvenient opening, etc.), etc.

The warranty period of doors and windows is generally about 1 - 5 years, and the longer the time is, the easier it will be for users to use.

At the same time, the charge for warranty or maintenance should be indicated. For example, unconditional maintenance service is provided within the warranty period, and paid maintenance service is provided outside the warranty period.

Finally, Xiao Zhi reminded that the content of the contract can be determined according to its own situation and through negotiation with the merchant. For example, the key points of payment method and exemption clause should be "argue with the merchant 」.