Booming · Sharing the Future | Peace System Debut in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai Doors and Windows Curtain Wall Accessories Ordering Meeting

from:Network date:2022-09-05 reading:1346

Complete success

jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai doors and windows curtain wall accessories ordering meeting

September 4, 2022

by China Vision Blue Ocean door and window curtain wall Industry Development Alliance

sponsored by more than a dozen organizations including CTV jinjianlian media

jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai doors and windows curtain wall accessories supplier order meeting

opened in Pinghu City, Zhejiang province research and joint stock factory

The theme of this order meeting focuses on "co-networking, co-opportunity, co-cooperation and co-development", setting up two major sections: Conference Exchange and exhibition, build a platform for mutual communication and cooperation for door and window curtain wall enterprises in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. As domestic brand system doors and windows and the first batch of enterprises that have passed the third-level certification of China's green building materials products, peace aluminum industry is invited to participate in this activity.

During the speech session of the training course for blue sea door and window engineers in China vision, Heping aluminum shared the theme of "technology and application of green energy-saving products in the peace system.

Wang Guangren, the product engineer, combined with the work done by HEPING in the aspect of green energy conservation over the years, introduced the green and environmentally friendly production technology of Heping aluminum profile to the participants in detail, the main technical features of peace system doors and windows and their applications in assembly and green buildings, customized product systems for home decoration, etc. And point out promoting energy-saving doors and windows is of great significance for improving building life, improving living quality and achieving the emission reduction target of "carbon peak" and "carbon neutral.

In the green energy-saving product display of the peace system, the appearance of the doors and windows of the peace system became the focus of the whole audience.

Based on different climate regions and local standards, it has different requirements for product performance, usage scenarios, design styles, etc., providing high safety performance, strong sound insulation performance, good sealing performance, the green energy-saving system door and window products with remarkable thermal insulation effect attracted the high attention of Tong Ren and guests in the industry, and discussed the cooperation intention with on-site staff in depth.

Responsibility for peace

take low-carbon green sustainable development as its mission

As a responsible and responsible enterprise, peace aluminum

while improving intelligent manufacturing and product quality

adhering to the wisdom of great powers and responding to national strategic deployment

actively practice the concept of green and low carbon development

contribute to energy conservation and emission reduction