57 Pan-Household Enterprises, the First Half of the Year Performance Competition!

from:Network date:2022-09-05 reading:1323

At present, pan-home listed enterprises have completed the disclosure in 2022.

We have counted 57 financial reports of listed companies such as customized home furnishing, software, wooden doors, home decoration, ceramic tiles, building materials, and stores. Among them, there were 26 revenue growth and 31 decline, accounting for% and% respectively. There were 21 net profit growth and 36 decline, the proportion is 36.84% and 63.16% respectively.

Under the influence of market conditions such as repeated epidemic and rising market cold, let's look at the revenue performance of different industries through Collection reports?

In the custom home industry, only 4 companies have achieved growth, namely European pie, Sofia, Zhibang and gold medal. Among them, European pie still achieved a positive growth of, which is really rare. In terms of net profit, oupai, Zhibang and gold medal achieved net profit growth, while others all declined, with a decrease of 336% Shangpin Home collection. According to the semi-annual report, zhibang's household revenue is only 0.3 billion yuan compared with Shangpin Home Collection, which is likely to catch up.

Among the software home, the revenue of RMB KUKa and RMB 9.016 billion is perfect. The growing enterprises include Gu Jia, dream Lily, SLEEMON and Qisheng home. The revenue declines by DE RUCCI, originality home, Central Plains home, fun sleep technology, 4 enterprises with declining growth, equally divided. It is worth mentioning that the net profit of dream Lily increased by 849% in the first half of the year! The net profit of Ingenuity technology is 0.173 billion yuan, more than 20% of the net profit, which is called the King of profits.

From the perspective of kitchen and electricity industry & integrated kitchen industry, only WanHeDa and beautiful and large saw a decline in revenue, while others saw an increase. In terms of profits, only Vatti and entive intelligence achieved a net profit growth, moreover, the net profit growth of Vatti is less than 1%, the average net profit of the integrated kitchen industry is about 20%, which is a very blue ocean industry.

In the home building materials industry, only the revenue of walrus new materials, montian, AIA and farlion Dragon increased, while others declined to varying degrees. Among them, farlion Dragon's revenue increased by 43.24 percent. In terms of net profit, AIA suspended ceiling increased 210%, Wang Li dropped 116%, Del's future net profit dropped 93.5%, and Vohringer dropped 127%.

In the ceramic bathroom industry, EASTROC, Mona Lisa, Diou home, Seagull residence, Huida bathroom, Yue Xin health (Smick), and four-way shares experienced a decline in revenue, with an amazing decline in net profit: in EASTROC, the net profit of Holding fell 69%, Mona Lisa fell 273%, Diou home fell 191%, Seagull housing workers fell 47%, Huida bathroom fell 39.2%, Tian 'an new materials fell 46.7%, yue Xin's health declined by 134.8 percent, and Si Tong's shares fell by 103.2 percent.

Home furnishing stores. Among The installation enterprises, the revenue almost declined. Only Chengdu fusenmei home has achieved a weak growth of 6.35%. In terms of net profit, only famous carving shares have achieved a net profit growth, others all fell. Only fusonmei in the store achieved a 0.63% growth, while others all declined. Among them, the net profit of shell fell by 118.8%, and the net profit of Dongyi Risheng fell by 200%. The situation is worrying!

From the report, the home building materials industry is undergoing a huge test.