Glory Moment | Paiya Doors and Windows Won Four Heavyweight Awards Such as "Gold Enterprise Award in China's System Doors and Windows Industry in 2022!

from:Network date:2022-09-06 reading:1421

On September 5th, the 2022 (second) China system doors and windows conference was held in Shanghai. Paiya doors and windows won the prize with keen industry insight, strong brand strength and cutting-edge development concept. 2022china system door and window industry gold medal Enterprise Award". Li Junhong, chairman of Paiya doors and windows, won "2022 China's leading entrepreneur of system doors and windows" award, Yi Shaoguang, general manager of Paiya doors and windows, won "Chief Growth Officer of China's system doors and windows industry in 2022" award, Lv Jun, general manager of Xi'an Paiya doors and windows, won gold medal distribution in China's system doors and windows industry in 2022".

It is understood that this system doors and windows conference has set up a number of heavyweight awards, aiming at recognizing and establishing the benchmark position of the industry and strengthening the brand credibility, thus promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the doors and windows industry.

Paiya doors and windows won four heavyweight awards at one stroke, which is the industry's recognition of the high quality and steady development of Paiya doors and windows to promote the system doors and windows, as well as the pioneering spirit, innovative thinking, the forward-looking layout is highly affirmed.

In 32 years of operation, tendao has been in awe of the market for Paiya doors and windows, focusing on users and maintaining the same frequency with the times. As a recognized pioneer and leader in the industry, Paiya unswervingly implements the concept of innovative development, based on its advantages, continuously promotes the development of digitalization, intelligence, greening and high-end, it has become an important force to promote the transformation, upgrading and high-quality development of the industry.

In 2022, Paiya doors and windows responded to the changes in consumer demand and launched a new "deep comfort" positioning, new LOGO, new SI, New IP image, etc., fully opening the brand strategy upgrade, lead the industry into the "deep comfort" living era.

Based on more than 30 years of technical precipitation, Paiya launched a new generation of doors and windows upgrade category-"deep comfort" doors and windows, providing consumers with higher-end system doors and windows solutions with higher comfort standards.

At present, Paiya has established a perfect product research and development system, a full-link and full-cycle quality inspection system, integrating global high-end door and window resources, and continuously building industry benchmark products, refresh the new height of doors and windows production technology and technology, leading the aesthetic trend of doors and windows.

After more than 30 years of development, China's high-end aluminum doors and windows customization industry has experienced many iterations from engineering doors and windows, home decoration doors and windows, and system doors and windows. Paiya doors and windows have always been at the forefront of market and industry reform, through independent innovation, we constantly seek to surpass and become one of the leading brands in the industry, which cannot be separated from the correct decision-making and guidance of Li Junhong, chairman of Paiya doors and windows.

Li Dong actively devoted himself to the great development of Paiya and led the Paiya team to realize the brand vision of "committed to becoming a world-class Chinese door and window technology brand.

As an industry "veteran", he also has unique views on the development trend of the door and window industry. In 2022, Paiya doors and windows, together with authoritative institutions such as the lifestyle research institute of Jinan University, released the report on the development trend of Chinese home | Doors and windows industry (hereinafter referred to as the report). The report points out that sound insulation, heat insulation, safety and aesthetics have become the four dimensions of "good doors and windows" in consumers' minds. At the same time, under the background of the National double carbon strategy, low carbon and environmental protection has also become an important factor in consumers' purchase of doors and windows, which are all in line with the value of Paiya's "deep comfort" doors and windows.

From pioneers to practitioners, from pioneers to navigators, Li Junhong, chairman of Paiya doors and windows, constantly innovates the brand vitality, and sets an example for the revitalization and transformation of the industry with the industry influence of head brands.

In the future, Paiya doors and windows will continue to deepen users' needs, gain insight into market trends at all times, and continuously spread the value concept of "deep comfort" living with more comfortable System door and window solutions, let more cities become deep and comfortable livable cities, let more families become deep and comfortable livable places, and let more people get deep and comfortable living experience.