2021 10 Trend Forecast of Household Industry

from:Network date:2021-08-25 reading:2043

In 2021, the development trend of China's home building materials industry will be more focused and reflected in these core keywords-market-oriented, consumer demand as the entry point, flow as the core, and enterprise core competitiveness as the driving force, these factors will become the positive factors driving the development and innovation of the industry and the progress of reform. Next, let's pay attention to the following ten key points and trends.

01. The environmental performance of products will rise to the strategic level.

Environmental protection has always been the main focus of the home building materials industry, but now the requirements for environmental protection are not only for consumers, but also for the self-survival level of enterprises.

In this respect, the national environmental protection policy has fully illustrated this point. For home building materials enterprises, they need to redistribute their industrial layout, re-examine their core advantages, re-integrate your industry resources.

At the same time, downstream customers in the home building materials industry will force the whole industry to comprehensively improve the requirements of environmental protection. It has become the current necessary problem to resolve for the whole industry to redistribute its own industrial chain and production factors.

02. "branding" and "de-branding" coexist

In the future, the brand will gradually become a social label, highlighting its personality. Home "branding" and "de-branding" coexist: mainstream home brands have distinctive features, brand levels are gradually emerging, and the trend of "branding" appears. High-quality brands will take the lead in enjoying the reputation bonus.

At the same time, some cost-effective products became popular, Super IP gained the trust of fans, and "de-branding" came into being. Home brands are also becoming labels on people and are given social meanings.

03. Household consumers tend to be younger

The first-tier cities are still the mainstream consumption area of home furnishing, but the purchasing power of consumers in the sinking market has increased significantly, and the demand is clear, paying attention to cost performance, with great potential in the future; Household consumers tend to be younger, consumption capacity continues to grow, gradually changing from purchasing products to enjoying services.

It is observed that first-tier cities are still the main battleground for household consumption, but the sinking market has great potential; Consumer groups tend to be younger and personalized; "youth in a small town", "95 s", "Single Family" has become the new main force of three major consumers. At the same time, young consumers are increasingly pursuing quality and personality, and are willing to pay a premium for high quality, personalized products or services.

04. Service-oriented and design-oriented enterprises will enter the bureau strongly

If the past decade is an industry market driven by products, prices, channels and promotions, then the new decade will be defined as: products, design, industry Market with service and experience as core elements.

Under the background of diversified consumption, consumer demand is further activated, and the cognition of products and services will undergo revolutionary changes: higher product requirements, more self-design requirements, the service requirements are more in line with consumer-centered and the attention to experience exceeds the attention to products and prices.

In this respect, the marketing mode, sales process and service system of traditional home building materials enterprises will be restructured, the process of enterprise digital innovation and reform will become an indispensable and important means in this process, and the self-centered traditional marketing and operation model design will enter the life cycle stage of recession.

05. The whole home will become an important traffic entrance in the industry

Under the impact of the market, the decoration pattern of consumers has changed, and the decoration and purchase process of consumers has been further restructured.

The decoration method with hard installation, installation and soft installation as key nodes is widely accepted, while the whole installation enterprise, as an important node of installation, has shown its own advantages.

In this respect, the development of some well-known flooring enterprises known to the public has begun to take shape, and consumer traffic has been attracted to this new entrance of decoration demand to a large extent.

06. Omni-channel construction will become the norm

The dividend of traditional traffic mode is gradually dying, the efficiency of single channel push mode is weakened, the construction of all channels becomes the norm, and channel sinking is the general trend.

In addition, the traditional market channels of the first and second tier cities tend to stock game, and small local stores are gradually squeezed by the channels of large stores, and channel sinking is the future trend. There are street stores in the county and town first-level markets, and independent flagship stores will have the conditions to drain the mid-end market in the future.

With the weakening of the marginal contribution of traditional channels to the performance of home furnishing enterprises, the ecosystem of distributors continues to deteriorate, and the potential energy of a single channel is weak. The construction of online and offline omni-channel has become the norm. The traffic entry is more flexible, and the brand will extend the development project and home improvement channels upstream. At the same time, online sales and offline scenes complement each other, and various short video content platforms can develop in the future.

07. New technology empowerment impact

High-tech and big data will continue to empower the big home industry in the future and promote the transformation of traditional home manufacturing industry.

At a time when science and technology are changing with each passing day, innovative technology will surely empower the future of home furnishing industry and promote the deep reform of traditional manufacturing industry. In the future, the technology application of the big household industry is mainly reflected in the further popularization of flexible production and manufacturing, the application of 3D cloud design scheme at the Design end, the integration service of intelligent supply chain, and the portrait of big data users at the channel end.

08. Industrialization of home decoration promotes horizontal integration among industries

In the future, hard-installed nodes in decoration may be activated by some business models, and hard-installed nodes will realize industrialization. From the current single assembly process, the whole process of consumer decoration cannot be completed, the hard-mounted part has not been integrated in the whole process.

In this respect, the integration will lead to the horizontal integration of more industry enterprises to realize the whole process of the integration. Who will be the first brave person to eat crabs? We will wait and see.

09. Commercial platforms with design and good life as ports will be more favored by consumers

Under the background of current consumer demand, design and designers will be further activated, and consumers' personalized design needs will be met to the greatest extent, especially the design platform focusing on 3D home and cool home music, it will play a huge role.

The space that constitutes human living reflects the unified perception of space in four dimensions (the space, color, furniture and utensils, and the attribute and expression of light), this kind of synesthesia is expressed in the spiritual way that people can perceive, which is "atmosphere".

When the designer, based on the guidance of aesthetic theory, starts from the four dimensions of atmosphere and combines the life course and hobbies of the occupants to present the overall space, bringing sweet feeling to the occupants, on the basis of atmosphere aesthetics, it achieves a kind of scene aesthetics.

From the perspective of the layout of the industry flow entrance, with a design-oriented business platform, it is very likely to enter the whole industry of home building materials and become a platform for integrating the resources of the whole industry.

10. Service-oriented business model will be further developed

"Service", as the most important key business in the home building materials industry, is valued by many enterprises, but it does not produce fundamental value.

Under the future market demand, which enterprise occupies the commanding height of the service, which enterprise can occupy the commanding height of the market. Design services, process services, installation services, technical services and other dimensions of services will become the key business to win the market.

Digital Service refers to providing digital services for enterprises through the Trinity of software, marketing and data. It is a real way to integrate the Internet, big data, the practice of deep integration of digital technology means such as artificial intelligence and traditional manufacturing industry helps enterprises solve the problem of digital service transformation and upgrading.

From the perspective of the development cycle of the industry, the home building materials industry has entered an important turning point period. Innovation and reform have become necessary. With the constant business model, it is no longer able to meet the needs of the market, the business model of home building materials enterprises will be re-examined and restructured.