Olomo Doors and Windows "Help Hundred Cities · Rush Hundred Days · Create Wealth Action" Summit Ended Successfully!

from:Network date:2022-09-08 reading:1425

On September 3, 2022, the summit of "helping hundred cities · Chong hundred days · create wealth" of doors and windows on olomo was officially opened in Yangshuo, Guangxi. Mr. Zhong Yeqing, general manager of doors and windows on olomo, Mr. Sun Le, marketing director, ms. Yao Yanmin, director of sales department, and olomo distributors from all over the world attended the summit together.

Innovation leads to help brands take off


Olomo door and window clock chief delivered a speech

At the summit, general manager Zhong, general manager of olomo doors and windows, delivered a speech: 2022 is a challenging year. Under the depressed environment of the whole industry, olomo doors and windows can still grow steadily and march forward bravely, it cannot be separated from the joint efforts and hard work of olomo family members; The door and window market changes rapidly. What remains unchanged is innovation and development. Not only products need innovation, but also brands need to develop, we must fully recognize the new situation and market trends and implement the work quickly, ruthlessly and accurately. To build high quality products and improve service quality, only the value brought to consumers is the irreplaceable brand strength! Mr. Zhong analyzed the market environment under the new normal from the industry trend and enterprise strategy respectively, and explained the new brand strategic deployment of olomo doors and windows for olomo families in detail.

Great achievements


Olomo doors and windows Supreme Award

Olomo door and window Diamond Award

Olomo excellent distributor of doors and windows

The second agenda-award ceremony was held at the dealer summit. This award ceremony competed for excellent dealers and teams from more than 500 olomo doors and windows exclusive stores nationwide, they are "Supreme Award" "Diamond Award" "Gold medal Dealer Award" "Best New Award" "Best Store Image Awards" "excellent team Award" and many other heavyweight honors. The crowd gathered at the scene to witness the glorious moment of outstanding people. For olomo doors and windows, excellent dealers are not only partners who feel the sunshine and rain together, but also give each other motivation and support in their future, which is the most important invisible treasure for brand development.

Empower exploration, break the game, have a way


One lecturer teacher Wang teaches on-site

On the first day of the activity, senior marketing experts consulted Mr. Wang to teach the on-site students how to continuously improve their professional business capabilities, deepen their terminals, enhance the competitiveness and influence of olomo doors and windows brands in the terminal market. Teacher Wang took the macro status quo of the door and window building materials market and how to get customers from specialty stores as the breakthrough point, quoted many retail failures/success cases and channel strategies and practical effects of different stages of brand development, and quoted from others, summarize and share the current breakthrough store management mode and marketing thinking strategy, guide the management direction of the store, and share the way that the doors and windows specialty stores get customers to break the situation. Teacher Wang explained several directions from receiving customers in stores to community marketing skills. At the same time, he also followed teacher Wang's thinking in summarizing and thinking, how to further enhance the core competitive advantage of stores, so as to improve the signing rate of terminal sales.

Oath conference sprint 2022


Sign a military order

At this summit, teacher Su Xiaoyu, who came from the unity consultation, made a detailed publicity on the plan of this mid-autumn Festival National Day event. The general officials took the war zone as the unit to conduct business confrontation, "there is a goal in mind, with a knife hanging over your head, a strong sense of purpose is the source of success. All the generals set up military orders with passion and set up combat goals for themselves. Each military order is an unyielding Oath of the generals! The signing of the military order lit up the hearts of all olomo doors and windows. Everyone was full of enthusiasm and determined to achieve the performance goal of this activity!

LaCorne of the battle at the end of 2022 has been blown. Olomo doors and windows will continue to ride the wind and waves, take quality as the cornerstone, technology as the core, and innovation as the driving force. Through various high-end channels, the terminal will win the battle. The door and window market is empowered, help the brand take off and achieve greater value for olomo doors and windows brands!