2022 Beijing Door Industry and Customization Exhibition Bloom Industry New Attitude

from:Network date:2021-08-25 reading:1842

In the past two decades, the huge incremental market brought by the real estate industry has enabled the home industry to enter the stage of rapid increase in penetration rate by fast train. However, at the end of 2016, real estate began to be strictly regulated and controlled, with the promotion of policies such as "housing is not fried", "because of the city's policy", "one city, one policy" and so on, although the real estate industry has experienced some fluctuations in the short term, the residential property of housing has been further highlighted, and living has become the real consumer demand of consumers.

According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2020, the per capita consumption expenditure of Chinese residents was 21210 yuan, of which the residential consumption expenditure was 5215 yuan; Among all expenditures, the residential consumption increased by 3.2 percent year on year. The improvement of living standards makes residents pay more attention to living conditions and pursue a comfortable home life.

Under the favorable environment of the industry, home furnishing enterprises are facing various development opportunities. CIDE Beijing door industry and customization exhibition, as a highly professional large-scale and high-specification business platform in China's customized home and door and window industry, meets the needs of enterprises, distributors and buyers all over the country, it will further promote the trade and communication between enterprises and audiences, and help household enterprises expand their channels, upgrade their brands and develop and innovate.

· Customization leads and design rises

At present, CIDE 2022 Beijing door industry and customization exhibition intention registration is in hot progress. Based on the significant improvement of the effectiveness of Beijing exhibition in recent years and the continuous expansion of the influence of the exhibition, each custom home, door and window enterprises are very enthusiastic to sign up.

It is worth mentioning that in order to further deepen the exhibition positioning of the whole industry chain display, the CID 2022 Beijing door industry and customization exhibition finely divides the exhibition area, pays attention to the influence of brand enterprises, and cultivates the exhibition plan of major customers, strengthen the power of "customization", "design" and "brand.

1) make every effort to create a bright brand exhibition area"

Continue the 2021 Beijing door industry and custom exhibition brand plan, and expand E1 brand pavilion on the basis of the original W1 brand Pavilion. With domestic home/door and window brands, domestic well-known overall home decoration, customized home products, wooden doors, the [brand exhibition area] with the integration of door and wall cabinets as the core exhibits will present the beautiful scenery that cannot be missed in this exhibition.

2) launched the "high definition and design" special museum

E4 high definition and design museum. Customization is design, home space affects lifestyle, domestic household door industry consumption demand and enterprise development demands are constantly changing, and CID 2022 Beijing door industry and customization exhibition follow the trend, strengthen the new direction of home design and trend release. In 2022, you will see a fashion brand trend show with high definition colliding with design.

3) strengthen the wooden door × custom dual-core exhibition area

E2 wooden door and custom home Museum, E3 wooden door Museum, Exhibition dual-core category focus, to meet the strong demand of the majority of home dealers for custom, wooden door products.

4) The first exhibition area of new doors and windows and smart home

With the development of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technology, traditional home has begun to evolve into smart home. CIDE 2022 Beijing door industry and customization exhibition closely follows the theme of "Smart Life" and strives to create a smart home exhibition area covering the intelligent upgrading of all kinds of home products.

· B2B exhibition gene, efficient business docking

The industry attribute of long service cycle of customized home determines the important connection role of distribution agents between consumers and enterprise brands. Beijing door industry and customization exhibition has built an efficient and professional B2B business platform over the past 19 years, playing an irreplaceable and important role in the process of finding suitable and high quality channel providers for the vast number of brands.

CIDE 2022 Beijing door industry and customization exhibition will gather industry brands and mogul in the industry, integrate all resources in the customized home and door and window industry, greatly release the momentum of the exhibition, deepen industry exchanges, help enterprises deepen their in-depth understanding of the home furnishing market, promote the development of new channels and build a new pattern of industry innovation and development.

Customization leading and design leading

Innovation-driven and future-oriented

CIDE 2022 beijing door industry and custom exhibition are fully fired

With new products, new models, new technologies and new trends

Let's wait and see the new attitude of the industry!