Win the Battle 2022 | Window of Milan Wins the Championship 818fun Super Hi Shopping Festival System Doors and Windows List Top!

from:Network date:2022-09-09 reading:1521

Xingmei Kailong 818FUN SIHI shopping festival came to an end. Nearly 500 shopping malls and thousands of luxury home brands have brought the latest "works of honor" to 200 cities across the country, delivering many heavy benefits, let consumers surprise again and again, and become the "grass planting treasure book" When consumers buy home products.

On September 4th, the top 100 award ceremony of "Red Star Macalline 818FUN Super Shopping Festival" was held ceremoniously in Red Star Macalline Shanghai Global Home Store No. 1, the window of Milan won the top of the system doors and windows list, this is the second time to win the championship after the 315FUN shopping festival. At this award ceremony, Ma Junqing, the chairman of Milan window, and Chen Tao, the CEO, were invited to attend and gathered with head brands from the home industry to witness the glorious moment. This is not only the summary and resumption of a big promotion, but also the strongest sound of confidence and hope and spontaneous upward in the whole home industry. With the steady improvement of the market and the acceleration of the virtuous circle between the industry and the demand side, nothing can inspire everyone's confidence more than the harvest of a victory.

FU as the largest top promotion in the whole home industry, N Sisi shopping festival is the arena of the top ten home categories, and winning the ranking is the report card of the comprehensive strength PK of the brand, explore the new power of Chinese household consumption from real consumption data. With the advent of the stock era and the rapid increase of the need for improvement, system doors and windows have the advantages of "high quality, high performance, high standard" parallel, becoming the facade of household consumption, the standard of quality life, the main traffic entry for upgrade consumption. In this 818-year activity, the category of system doors and windows was taken as a model of counterattack, and the successful promotion of remarkable performance was one of the categories with the fastest sales promotion.

Car Jianxin, chairman of Red Star Macalline, expressed positive affirmation and encouragement to the top 100 brand at the award ceremony. He pointed out that 100 outstanding brands on the list are not only the champions of each category, but also the champions of consumers. The champion is evaluated by consumers and bought by consumers one by one. Consumer recognition is more valuable than certification by any authority.

Car Jianxin firmly believes that 315 and 818 big promotions use the list as an innovative tool, which is a positive demonstration of the value of big data sales of Red Star Macalline in the industry. In terms of marketing, "directly evolved from rifle to missile, it is a qualitative leap".

From the spring clothing market to the autumn clothing market, Red Star Macalline moved smoothly, giving full play to the advantages of scale, stimulating consumption potential and realizing the exponential fission of the market. The self-made Festival sports meeting of Red Star Macalline has become a long-term project, making 315 and 818 annual consumption festivals in the home industry with great influence.

▲ car Jianxin, chairman of Red Star Macalline

zhu Jiagui, executive president of Red Star Macalline home furnishing group and general manager of Big operation center, sincerely believes that this is a co-creation of the industry and a "grab" formed by the common cohesion of the whole home furnishing industry "."More cities and more brands have participated in our activities, which means that we have mobilized more upstream and downstream resources and distributor resources. Without your enthusiastic participation, there would be no such 818 big promotion!"

Zhu Jiagui said that through this 818-year promotion, many dealers and brands gained funds to withdraw, which relieved the pressure, seized the autumn clothing market, harvested autumn food and won strategic reserves, boost morale!

The self-endeavor of the household industry in adversity shows the resilience of the industry to the outside world and also wins a turning point for itself. "The difficulties overcome are the opportunity to win". Although the 818FUN SIHI shopping festival has ended, the battle to seize the autumn clothing market has not yet ended. Two days later, Red Star Macalline's 11th promotion was launched nationwide, this is another national home promotion festival focusing on offline channels this year. Red Star Macalline will continue the momentum of 818 perfect closing, facing the traditional home decoration peak season of mid-autumn Festival and National Day.

▲ Zhu Jiagui, executive president of Red Star Macalline home furnishing group and general manager of Big operation center

city the field environment is constantly changing. In the face of the external environment, we should keep awe, but not fear. Red Star Macalline brings together hundreds of brands in the home furnishing industry to boost business confidence and boost the industry's LaCorne with positive and practical business actions. The window of Milan is lucky to be the beneficiary. Grand barrier and endless road is really like iron. Next, we will enter the golden autumn war. With the empowerment of Red Star Macalline, we will eventually talk about laughing and singing.

▲ Chen Tao, CEO of Milan window, delivered a speech

Since its establishment, Milan window has adhered to the cornerstone of quality. With a forward-looking market vision, keen industry insight and user-centered service concept, in terms of product research and development, process quality, etc, always maintain high standards in the industry, with high appearance and high quality system doors and windows products, constantly bring surprise experience to consumers, based on a high starting point, establish industry benchmark quality, standing on the top of the industry with a reputation model, to promote the healthy development of the system doors and windows industry.

Things it turns out that we will strive to create continuously upgraded high quality system doors and windows for consumers, which will naturally gain the most direct affirmation. As the preferred strength brand of the nation, the window of Milan has revealed the strength and style of the benchmark brand in this victory, and the position of industry leader is well deserved.

Honor is the spur and responsibility is the motivation. This time, it won the first place in FUN SIHI Shopping Festival system doors and windows, laying the important position of Milan window as a leader Brand in consumers' hearts. Keep your original heart forever and live up to your love. In the future, we will be based on our ingenuity and innovation as the core, which will bring user experience and create more high quality system doors and windows products that meet consumers' expectations!