Dare to Fight, Dare to Climb the Peak! Becquero Held the Swearing Conference on 2022!

from:Network date:2022-09-09 reading:1753

Dare to fight, dare to climb the peak ". On September 7th, bakelo held the "2022marketing oath Conference". The enthusiasm of all the staff was high. With the trend of cutting through the thorns, the battle was ignited and the final battle in the fourth quarter was sounded LaCorne!

This oath conference is not only the implementation and deepening of the marketing strategy deployment, but also the spur and incentive for the marketing team to achieve performance goals. At the beginning of the swearing conference, representatives of retail and engineering performance development benchmark actively shared their own cases and experiences, showing the determination of all the marketing teams to go into the battle and strive hard.

Clear deployment inspires the Army

At the meeting, Mr. Li Zhihua, deputy general manager of haomei Xincai and head of Baker Luo, made a speech on the work summary of the first half of the year and the marketing work deployment of the second half of the year, and pointed out that under the strategy of two-wheel drive of engineering and retail, engineering, according to the guiding spirit of the group's "dare to fight, dare to do, dare to climb the peak", each retail war zone should enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, strengthen implementation and self-drive. At the same time, we should further clarify the methods and measures to achieve the targets, and actively use the specialty, dedication and wisdom of becquero people to strive to achieve the performance goals and win the market.

Strong incentive and strong performance

In order to better improve sales drive, the company has also formulated corresponding performance incentive policies, and will not commend and reward the outstanding regions and individuals in the year. Ms. Li Lingying, the human Director of becquero, preached this Award Plan to everyone at the meeting, encouraging all becquero people to unite, forge ahead and sprint to achieve the goal of the whole year!

Fully guarantee product delivery

At the meeting, Mr. Snow White, general manager of becquero, also made a promise that he would do a good job in the delivery of products in the rear while improving the marketing performance of the front line. In the process of rapid response to performance growth, the back-end supply chain management and delivery system will also strictly guarantee process production, yield and product quality, and ensure delivery date and quality.

Peak Challenge win battle breakthrough

The picture of signing military orders in various war zones of engineering and retail set off the climax of this oath conference. Heads of engineering and retail regions signed by the director military Order, drink together"Strong wine" is determined and sworn to fulfill the goal of responsibility. Everyone's enthusiastic confidence and passionate declaration infected everyone in the venue. LaCorne in the second half of the year has already sounded, Countdown sprint leave no room go all out!

Speak with high morale and results

At the meeting, Mr. Dong Weifeng, chairman of haomei Xincai, empowered all the staff, encourage everyone to meet the challenge with a positive attitude and the belief of winning, use full of fighting spirit to overcome all difficulties. At the same time sales in various regions of engineering and retail need to strengthen integration and exchange and progress in work. In the future, we need to achieve multiple growth and promote the strength and development of the enterprise. Every employee needs to create personal value in collaboration with the development of the enterprise.

General manager Dong stressed that all employees of the company need to follow the project and retail"Two-wheel drive" policy, maintain market acumen, urgency, and firm indicators at all times, quick response pushes the new products of Baker's iteration to the market, allowing distributors, partners and consumers to understand the value and advantages of Baker's products, fight actively for indicators. Becquero has been deeply engaged in the system door and window industry for many years, and the future is promising!

In the fourth quarter, becquero all elites will surely be able to shoulder the mission, not afraid of difficulties, work hand in hand, and then take the peak!