In August, the National Building Materials and Home Prosperity Index BHI Fell 24.74 Points Year-on-Year.

from:Network date:2022-09-16 reading:1780

BHI is the abbreviation of National Building Materials home Prosperity Index. It is a boom index of a building materials and home terminal store compiled and released by the Ministry of Commerce Circulation Industry Development Department and China Building Materials Circulation Association. It is compiled by collecting the relevant data of 50,000 building materials home merchants (shops) from various designated centralized collection points in the country. BHI reflects the boom and market trend of building materials and home decoration materials. At the same time, compared with the national real estate development boom index, BHI can also reflect the strength of the rigid demand for real estate.

The National Building Materials home Prosperity Index BHI was 101.02 in August, down 15.00 points from the previous month and 24.74 points from the previous year. The sales volume of building materials above the national scale was 86.295 billion yuan in August home furnishing stores, down 22.82% from the previous month, down 10.65% from the previous year; The cumulative sales volume from January to August 2022was 846.661 billion yuan, up 26.59 percent year-on-year.

Interpretation of the BHI data from the industry research department of China Building Materials Circulation Association: in August 2022, the National Building Materials home market was in the traditional off season. At the same time, the epidemic situation in some areas appeared repeatedly, superimposed on factors such as high temperature weather, the sales of the National Building Materials home market slowed down, and BHI fell sharply. The specific analysis is as follows:

First of all, judging from the situation of the national real estate market: since this year, all parts of the country have relaxed the real estate control policies from the aspects of reducing down payment ratio, attracting talents by plus-sized, granting purchase subsidies, and increasing the amount of provident fund loans, the demand-side policy continued to exert force. In August, the willingness of buyers to buy houses improved slightly, and the market expectation also improved. However, due to factors such as the low season of traditional sales, in August, the whole country's real estate market continued its low temperature trend, and the market turnover continued to decline. According to the data of China Index Research Institute, in August 2022, the average price of new residential buildings in 100 cities nationwide was 16203 yuan/square meter, which continued to drop by 0.01 percent and rose by 0.32 percent year on year, there are 69 cities whose prices fell month on month.

In terms of second-hand housing market, the second-hand real estate market in cities in more than 8 months is not active enough. The data shows that in August, the average price of second-hand housing in 100 cities in the country was 15991 yuan/square meter, down 0.13 percent from the previous month, down for 4 consecutive months, down 0.12 percent from the previous year, there are 74 cities whose prices fell month on month.

The National Building Materials home market, which is closely related to the national real estate market, also dropped significantly in August. Due to repeated epidemics in some areas, some building materials home furnishing stores temporarily closed stores due to epidemic prevention and control requirements, influenced by factors such as extreme high temperature weather, BHI fell 15.00 points month on month, and the sales volume of building materials above scale home furnishing stores fell 22.82% month on month.

Secondly, analyze the situation of BHI sub-indexes: the only sub-index rising this month is the leading index of "manager confidence index", whose value is 176.12, up 8.81 points from the previous month, it fell 2.42 points year-on-year; And its absolute value is 63.84 (more than 50 is optimistic about the future market, less than 50 is weak about the future market), which is located in the high-View gas range, it shows that professional managers of building materials and household maintain a positive attitude towards future development. The traditional peak season of "Golden nine silver ten" is coming, and the consumption demand of building materials and household will be further Released. The government's steady economic policy will continue to be implemented, and the market is expected to be better.

The employment rate index this month was 241.05 points, down 15.00 points from the previous month and 59.92 points from the previous year. It can be seen that under the multiple pressures of economic slowdown, continuous impact of the epidemic and diversified channel reform, offline building materials home furnishing stores have become increasingly competitive in survival and the industry's ability to absorb employment has declined.

According to the China manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) released by the National Bureau of Statistics and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing in August was 49.4%, lower than the critical point, an increase of 0.4 percent age points over the previous month, and the economic operation slowed down and stabilized. In addition, in the executive meeting of the State Council on August 24, successive policy measures for stabilizing the economic package were deployed to strengthen the economic recovery and development. It is proposed to implement 19 successive policies while implementing a package of stable economic policies, among which the emphasis is put forward to further promote consumption in key areas such as automobiles, household appliances and household appliances. The blessing of the policy will play a certain role in promoting the subsequent building materials home market. It is suggested that the National Building Materials home enterprises should boost their confidence and do a good job in epidemic prevention and control. At the same time, they should be green, intelligent, safe, healthy, the concept of environmental protection promotes the development of building materials and home furnishing industry and makes great strides towards high-quality development.