Full Fire Will Not Live up to Expectations | Jie Shun Chenglong "National Day Carnival Purchase" National Linkage Launch Meeting Was Successfully Held

from:Network date:2022-09-20 reading:1783

9 month19 on the morning of the day, jieshun Chenglong" national Day carnival shopping"National linkage big promotion launch meeting in Foshan headquarters grand holding. Jieshun Chenglong mr. Pan Xibo, Chairman and Mr. He Jiexiong, vice chairman, mr. Liang Lvhua, sales director, and Mr. Jiang Jialin, marketing director and marketing elites attended the meeting together. This start-up meeting was officially opened. Jieshun Chenglong" national Day carnival shopping"National linkage the prologue of the big promotion!

01 leadership message, activity prosperity

at the beginning of the start-up meeting, jieshun Chenglong chairman mr. Pan Xibo make an important speech. Pan Dong said yes jieshun Chenglong this activity is full confidence, this confidence comes from three points: excellent products, professional teams and discount Welfare policy. Jieshun Chenglong the last two big promotions can still maintain stable growth in performance, with previous successful experience, believe in this National Day promotion we will seize the opportunity of development and create new glory again.

Jieshun Chenglong mr. He Jiexiong, vice chairman make a mobilization speech, this National Day carnival shopping nationwide linkage promotion activity, jieshun Chenglong in the second half of the year, the company will do its best to carry out the promotion activities in an orderly manner with unified actions and publicity. Jieshun Chenglong high-speed development adds bricks and tiles!

Jieshun Chenglong mr. Liang Lvhua, sales director, stressed the gunfire of the war has started., I hope everyone with a full Spirit, fully mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm of the legions, fast enter the state of preparation and welcome this time national linkage promotion.

02 carefully prepared and shining

clear target deep plough. Jieshun Chenglong specially invited experienced third-party teachers to empower this big promotion from store operation to market layout.. Kick-off meeting, teacher around national Day carnival shopping promotion the goal and plan of the activity described in detail the national linkage rules and activity policies, making sufficient preparations for the smooth development of the activity.

Jieshun Chenglong we will continue to maintain excellent quality and excellent service, and work together distributors across the country jointly launched this big promotion, joint preemption gold nine silver Ten this market Highland.

03 under the military order, swear to go

on war drum, Lei Ming gave military orders, and the soldiers went to the military exhibition! National Day carnival shopping activity settings four legions PK activity mechanism creates a competitive atmosphere and encourages all marketing personnel to move towards the established goals. Meanwhile, four Legion directors he also signed the "military order", brought the victory headscarf, made a clang oath, and went all out to fight big promotion activities.

The group is passionate, fighting against the trend, sprinting for the promotion heat wave of "Golden nine silver Ten". With the determination to win, actively seize the market opportunities, jieshun Chenglong it is bound to create a carnival feast for doors and windows.

Knock on the point!!!

September 19-October 16

jieshun Chenglong national Day carnival shopping

hot new products, super benefits, ultra low discounts

welcome to the country jieshun Chenglong store Purchase