The Opening of the New Store Shocked the Whole City | the Old Is Not Bad Xiangtan Store Opened Successfully

from:Network date:2022-09-23 reading:2097

On September 21, after several months of careful preparation and planning, the old-fashioned Xiangtan store ushered in a grand opening ceremony. Many guests came to congratulate and witness the departure of the new store together!

The opening of the new store shocked the whole city.

The event site was quite popular, attracting many consumers around. New and old customers came to join the opening flower basket and blessing, and they attended the grand ceremony together. The flowers inside and outside the store were full of joy!

At the beginning of the ceremony, brother Changfeng of Xiangtan store delivered a speech on the stage, expressing sincere welcome and gratitude to all guests, and promised to give back to every Xiangtan owners who support old-fashioned and not bad doors and windows with higher quality products and excellent services.

Under the joint witness of all guests, five leaders and special guests jointly launched the ribbon cutting ceremony. At this point, the old man is not bad at the opening ceremony of Xiangtan store.

Great value for money, good gifts

since the old man was not bad, the popularity of doors and windows has been very popular since he entered Xiangtan. At the peak of the 11th promotion of home decoration, the atmosphere of "buy buy buy" of consumers continues to rise. The opening of preferential products has been greatly priced, and the wave of Hui Hui has been surging one after another. Many owners are very satisfied with the products and services of the old and not bad doors and windows, and place orders to subscribe one after another.

At the celebration, the old guy was not bad. Xiangtan store also specially prepared an exciting lucky draw to push the atmosphere to a climax.

Headquarters helps open

do your best to help build a strong terminal. As for the opening of Xiangtan store this time, the headquarters of doors and windows sent a professional help team to the store to help the new store understand and analyze the local market situation, and conducted perfect sales training, product training, customer reception training, etc. Hold morning meetings every day to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the team and keep all employees high morale!

The old man is not bad. Doors and windows strive to achieve perfection from products to services to every detail, providing consumers with the most professional one-stop solution for doors and windows of the whole house. The successful holding of this opening event has formed a good momentum for the spread of local brands of Laodao's doors and windows, and also laid a solid foundation for the further operation of Xiangtan stores in the future.

Finally, I wish you good luck in opening the Xiangtan store and your business is booming!