Industrial Interconnection | Foshan Door and Window Industry Association and a Group of People Come to Deji Youpin Headquarters for Research and Exchange

from:Network date:2022-09-24 reading:2181

On the afternoon of September 22, Mr. Hu Cheng, executive president and secretary general of Foshan door and window Industry Association, led the guests of the governing unit and members of the Association to visit the headquarters of Deji Youpin door and window to carry out research and exchange activities.

Accompanied by Mr. Lei Shaojun, chairman of Deji Youpin doors and windows, Mr. Xiong Jianping, general manager of Deji Youpin doors and windows comprehensive service, and Ms. Jian Chuying, brand manager of Deji Youpin doors and windows, the research group has visited the exhibition hall and factory of Germany's excellent products in an all-round way., I have a deeper understanding of many categories of new products, standardized technological processes, product technical advantages, brand influence, etc.

After visiting the exhibition hall and standardized production workshop of Deji youpin, Foshan door and window Industry Association and senior leaders of Deji Youpin how do door and window enterprises find opportunities in crisis"Discuss the theme and conduct in-depth discussions on the technical solutions for the development and upgrading of upstream and downstream industries.

Close to the theme, representatives of all units spoke actively, and the atmosphere was lively. This interactive communication it not only strengthens the communication between the governing units and member units of the door and window Industry Association, jointly strengthen Foshan Doors and windows; integrate industry chain resources, bring the new products, new technologies, new thinking, new ideas and new methods from upstream and downstream to the doors and windows of Germany and technology, and jointly play a positive role in "Foshan Doors and Windows.



product service brand, three arrows

Both sides talked about the current situation of aluminum alloy door and window industry, and challenges and opportunities coexist. As a blue ocean track, system doors and windows still have unlimited potential and promising future. Enterprises in the industry are also actively responding to market changes, whether it is deep cultivation of products to enhance brand influence; Or expanding the sales network and expanding the packaging channels; Or docking capital to seize more market share...... This is a battle of rivers and lakes without smoke. To stand out at this stage, enterprises must continuously strengthen internal production efficiency, optimize production links, and then promote the steady improvement of energy efficiency construction, and make more breakthroughs to win opportunities.

German technology excellent doors and windows are based on strong productivity, strengthen product update iteration to empower brands to create new value. At the same time, we pay more attention to shaping the terminal service system and building the finished product delivery system of German technology and excellent products. From measure gauge to the installation of finished products, systematic, full-link and 360 security services make stores have more advantages in service. The superposition of products, services and brand advantages also gives Germany Technology excellent products the confidence to accelerate the running on the safety system doors and windows track.



quality leads high quality development

Safety is always considered as the foundation of doors and windows, and it is also considered as the foundation of other five aspects in terms of door and window performance. In the accelerated process of upgrading the door and window industry, Germany and technology excellent doors and windows always adhere to the innovation and perfection of door and window safety, providing consumers with safe and reliable door and window products.

Jinghong system broke the bridge casement window. As a popular new product on the market in September, Deji Youpin realized the dual combination of US price high quality on it. Vihagen hardware system, 1.8mm high quality profile, 27A super large hollow safety tempered glass, standard with hydrophilic expansion rubber strips and fall-proof rope, makes the air tightness, water tightness, wind pressure resistance, sound insulation and heat insulation performance of doors and windows reach the level of consumer satisfaction.

The two sides talked about the future development of aluminum alloy doors and windows market and the direction of product research and development, general Lei said, no matter what the future development is, "quality", as the original intention of R & D and production of German-tech excellent doors and windows products, will not change. To this end, virtue and technology products will be rooted in the real needs of consumer groups in the market, continuously innovate, follow the concept of sustainable and high-quality development, and create ideal, safe and comfortable door and window upgrading experience for global consumers.

Through this interactive communication, representatives of various units of Foshan door and window industry association highly recognized the importance attached by German technology excellent products in door and window safety and the technical achievements obtained by new products, and I am full of confidence in the market prospect and future development of German technology excellent products doors and windows in doors and windows and home furnishing industry. In the future, we expect more interactive exchanges to realize the enterprise thinking integration, technology exchange and mode exploration of "Foshan Doors and windows", and then work together to promote the further development of Foshan Doors and windows industry.